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Wreningham VC Primary School


Class 4 Diary

Important Class 4 Dates:

May 2025

Mon 12th to Thur 15th

Year 6 National SATs

Test Week

July 2025

Wed  16

Performance Dress Rehearsal

Thur  17

Full Performance

(am and pm)




School Logo

Wreningham VC
Primary School
Ashwellthorpe Road,
Norfolk NR16 1AW




                    Norfolk Lakes Residential 2024-25 -  from canoes to zip-wires

Here is our class 4 curriculum: we are currently in Cycle B

Year 5 & 6 Curriculum 23/24 Cycle A

 Year 5 & 6 Curriculum 24/25 Cycle B


Maths Plans

Maths planning is based upon the White Rose Mixed Age Maths scheme to ensure full coverage, using a fluency, reasoning and problem solving approach. 

Year 5/6 Maths Long Term Plan




Class 4 Found Working in Silence !

A strange phenomenon has occurred this half term, with class 4 being found working in absolute silence.

A major cause of this odd event has been the determination to beat the infamous 'Mad Minute Multiplication Challenge'. 

It's no surprise that we are flying through our times tables at breakneck speed.

Click on the Maths link below for copies of the Mad Minute to try at home.

            Get Your Mad Minutes Here


            That Strange Time in March 2020

  When We Locked Down For the First Time:

All our lockdown daily learning from March through until July can still be found on #C4TOGETHER pages and in the archives there.




                             Click here for the


   LockdownWeekly Work Portal


    Hey... what are you still doing here... click the link above,   

                   you're late for class, get a move on !

The Hunger Game 2018 Archive


The performance of the century





Two Performances Only : 

Wreningham Village Hall

Thursday 12th July

First Show:   9:45 am

Final Show:   6:00 pm



Relive Our Activities/Plays/Events from the Past


Koraline in Celluloid

Re-visit our amazing, creepy and original take

of the brilliant 'Coraline' story by Neil Gaiman. 

Listen to 'The Boss'






Titanic Poetry

(Quite Literally...)

We started the summer term by studying an amazing poem by Thomas Hardy , called 'The Convergence of the Twain', about the meeting of the Titanic and the iceberg which sealed it's fate.

Click to read some of our incredible poems

We really got to grips with this tricky but powerful poem, expanding our vocabulary and improving our poetry skills.  Have a look at the poem we created in class together below.  If you think this is good, come back soon when all our incredible Titanic poems will be online.

Here's our class poem which the children in Class 4 wrote as

a collaborative effort before creating their own individual poetry.



The debate has been raging in Class 4 as to whether graffiti is a terrible form of vandalism or a beautiful modern art.

In our literacy lessons we have honed our balanced argument skills and produced some fantastic writing, presenting both sides of the debate.  The general consensus was that if graffiti is put up in designated areas, and the artists are not breaking the law, it can be a fantastic, imaginative style of art.


In art, we have learnt the skills needed to design striking designs, using the features which graffiti artists employ. You can see these on our graffiti wall in Class 4 and in this gallery:

Click to see our graffiti throw-ups

Class 4 have been working hard in literacy and with  the amazing opera and musical directors from The Theatre Royal Norwich to produce their own version of the opera Hansel and Gretel.

Click to visit our Opera Page

We wanted to put a real alternative twist on the original fairy story/traditional tale, and our ideas have really given the story into a new modern dimension, whilst still maintaining the theme of the original.

We will be working hard for next next five weeks with our theatre professionals to put on a fantastic show at the Theatre Royal on Sunday 10th November.  Before that, we will all be visiting the theatre first for a backstage tour, then to watch the Glyndebourne Opera version of Hansel and Gretel by Engelbert Humperdinck.

Link to the Glyndebourne Hansel and Gretel Page






'The World Was Waiting' ...

and you didn't let them down !

You were FANTASTIC !!!

On Thursday July 18th, Class 4 gave the performance of their lives, wowing the audience with their professional, engaging and poignant performance of The Hunger Game. Thankyou so much for your hard work, dedication and limitless enthusiasm - it was a night not to be forgotten.

Click on Kat below for The Hunger Gallery

A Word about the Play

Our primary school version is based on the book by Susanne Collins, but will explore the some of the ideas and characters in the book,  and not necessarily all the events and themes.  Some children in class 4 have previously read the book, and even more have seen the film,  however we will not be reading the book or watching any of the film, and so will create our own unique twist on the story.

Visit the Hunger Game Portal...





  was our home-school 

    classroom in 1st lockdown: have a look

  what we got up to

(lots of great original

planning resources and

lessons here):



Relive the Original 2013 Class 4 World Premier 'Hunger Game'


Class 4 Art Gallery Archive

Our Artwork is the highest quality you will find anywhere!

Dragonfly Swarm



Fair Trade Project


Time Machines


Pencil vs Photo


Pastel Landscapes


3D Dreamscapes

Puppet Madness

Art Exhibition Entries

Archive Gallery


Indoor Athletics 2014

Class 4 Gallery


Kwik Cricket 2014

Quicksticks Hockey


Graffiti Art


Forest of ...


Tag Rugby 2014


Horstead 2013


              2012 Re-visited

Click for Everything

Alice in Wrenderland 2012


Gallery Archive


Click on a link to revisit the 2011-2012 activities.

Olympic Event


2011-12 Displays


VIP Wall

Horstead Residential


Football Tournament


Tag Rugby Tournament


Kwik Cricket