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Wreningham VC Primary School

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Wreningham VC
Primary School
Ashwellthorpe Road,
Norfolk NR16 1AW


         The 2023 to 2024  Academic Year:

                                                              June 2024      

                   Breaking News:

        Girls and Mixed Cricket Teams

      Win both County Plate Trophies !


 County Plate Girls Champions 19.06.2024             County Plate Mixed Champions 20.06.2024


On two of the hottest days of the year so far, our two incredible cricket teams arrived at the prestigious Norfolk Cricket County Finals at Horsford, competing against the best 16 teams in the county on both days (each team present had qualified by either winning or placing second in each of the 8 Norfolk School Sports Partnerships)- with the majority of teams from schools which dwarf our little school. 


Competing in the County Plate tournaments in the afternoon, both teams fought out some tense knockout games, aiming to win the trophy and establish themselves within the top ten teams in Norfolk.


The girls won all their knock-out games, and after a tense semi-final against Holt, ran out winners by wickets taken and made it into the grand final.  Here they met their fellow South Norfolk qualifiers, Saxlingham, whom they beat with some incredible cricket, not least by our captain and her batting partner's sizzling sixes and fours.  The following day, the mixed team repeated the achievement, and by a twist of fate also met, and beat, Saxlingham in the final ensuring Wreningham brought home the matching pair of trophies.


It was a special event on two beautiful hot days, no one will ever forget, especially those year 6s who were making their final ever appearance representing our school, with there usua; impeccable behaviour and lovely respect for the opposition teams.  Well done everyone, you were truly astounding.        

                                                              June 2024      

 Everyone Finds Time to Think, Reflect

   and Learn in our Prayer Space Week


 The Mary Fairman Room was transformed  into an oasis of peace and calm this week when we created our prayer space - a place everyone in school had the chance to go and explore. 



We filled the room with many activities relating to thinking about those big question in life, thinking about others and exploring the wide world. and the many problems that exist: poverty, injustice, pollution and unfairness.


Most importantly, it gave all the children in school the chance to reflect on their own lives and the people who love and support them, expressing their hopes, dreams and prayers and showing empathy for those who have hard lives around the world.




                                                              June 2024      

              Incredible Achievement:

        Mixed and Girls Cricket Teams     

            Qualify for County Finals by

                            Winning Gold and Silver


 After two days of gruelling batting and fielding, both of our cricket teams, the mixed and girls' teams have earned a place in the county finals at Horsford this month. 


The teams played throughout their south Norfolk tournament days at Hethersett and Tas Valley cricket club, with match after match coming thick and fast.  The mixed team won all their group games , reaching the final and missing out on the gold medal on the very last ball - an amazing performance.  The following day, the girls took part in their competition, winning all their 6 games and winning the gold medal on the day.


The top two teams in each tournament earned the right to represent their school at Horsford - the home of Norfolk County Cricket Club - in the School Games County finals, the second successive year we have achieved this.

    This is an incredible achievement for our small school, especially since many of our year 5 players were experiencing tournament cricket for the very first time.  Many thanks to Laura, our South Norfolk SGO, and the members of Norfolk County Cricket , who organised such a great event.  Good luck everyone in the county finals.


                                                            May 2024      

Keep On Running... Keep On Running

               Our Fun Run in Walk-to-School Week helps

              us focus on healthy lifestyles and keeping active


After our huge efforts in Walk-to-School Week, the end of term saw everyone take to the big field for the annual fun run. The run was organised by the school council,  with huge thanks to one member in particular for her extra hard work setting up the whole day, and organising beautiful medals for everyone who took part.  A huge thanks to 'Aqua Animals Swimming' for such a kind gesture in donating these to help make the day memorable.


The older children were partnered with our younger children to guide them around, but as they soon found out,  our class 1 and 2 children have unlimited energy and stamina - with the older children working hard to keep up. 


Everyone gathered for the presentation of medals and prizes at the end of the school day.  There were some wonderfully imaginative running vest number designs on display, with Mrs Thurlow judging the winners for each year group. 



After counting up all the laps completed by the whole school, year 5 and 6 took to their maths books to examine the running data.  It was a great chance to practice our mean average and our metric-imperial measurement conversion skills.  

We used our Digimap software to show just where we could get to in the country, and even into France.

The total distance ran by the whole school was a huge

370.23 km (or 231 miles). 


Many thanks for all your sponsorship, with some of the money raised being put towards a great design and technology experience  for the whole school in autumn..


                                             May 2024      

                Book Experts Win

            Wymondham Book Quiz


Our team of year 5 avid readers locked horns with other schools from Wymondham in the Wymondham High book quiz this month.  After 8 rounds of questions relating to characters, blurbs, book covers, plots and even book charades, the team, much to their great surprise, found  they had come out on top. 


Their score of 50 out of 60 meant they took away the annual trophy, and got to choose a new book each as a reward for their efforts.celebrate. A huge thank you to the staff and pupils at Wymondham High school for organising the quiz and allowing us to use their wonderful library.



                                                            May 4th 2024

       'May 4th Be With You Class 4'

   Young Jedi Raise Money for Charity''





C4 celebrate Star Wars Day and Raise Money for Sunbeams a charity run centre in Great Yarmouth which provides a wonderful place for children with autism to be themselves, supporting children from year 1 through to 25 year old adults with autism.


Class 4 once again made their annual trip across the galaxy to celebrate international Star Wars Day. This year, as May 4th was on a Saturday, we postponed our day until Monday 6th, but that didn't stop everyone in class contributing by dressing up, changing their hairstyle and donating to a wonderful charity helping children with autism. 

 We tackled some fiendish Star Wars  maths puzzles and designed our own individual Mando helmet, and even made our own mini Jawas.

      Were you on the dark side...                   the light side.....


                               or one of those Mandalorians ?

Thank you to everyone who contributed, and we raised a fantastic £80 for Sunbeams.  This was also a great opportunity for the class to talk about autism and learn about the challenges autistic children/children with ASD find in their everyday lives.


                                                       30 April 2024 

             Local History Comes Alive as

                We Visit Norfolk Archives


As part of their History curriculum, Class 4 delved into the past on this week's visit to the Norfolk Archives,  We spent the whole day learning about our village over a hundred years ago, handling original maps and documents, and investigating the Wreningham inhabitants and their lives.


We translated the tricky handwriting from the original census documents and found out about the services existing in the village in the 1800s.  The archive staff were very kind and gave us a tour of the building, explaining what their job was, and even allowing us into the strong room where all the documents relating to Norfolk were stored (in a temperature controlled environment). 

We learnt a great deal about our local area and the staff were very impressed with how Class 4 represented our school, even taking time to email and thank everyone:



                                                                           April 2024 

          Netballers Break Incredible Record:

            School Games Champions for 5th

    Successive Year, Winning Gold and Silver


Our incredible year 5 and 6 netballers continued to break records this month,  with both of our teams beating every team they came up against in the School Games finals at the UEA. That meant  that we had to play against each other for the second successive year, with Wreningham Reds coming out on top.


Each team were in opposing sides of the tournament, with both wining all their 6 games and topping both groups. That meant another friend against friend final,  played as usual in a competitive but wonderfully respectful manner.


On the way to the final, the Reds came up against a  team from Dickleburgh who could only field young KS2 children,  but as you would expect, the Wreningham players went out of their way to show kindness and support during their match and throughout

the day - with the Reds even giving up their winners medals to the younger children as they were so impressed with the resilience of Dickleburgh. 

Thank you to everyone for your impeccable behaviour and respect you showed to everyone you played against, and a special thank you to Andrea for her wonderful support to us all on the day.


                                                                     April 2024 

          Tag Rugby Teams are the 'Invincibles'


The year 5 and 6 tag rugby players showed all their skills and determination this week when they took part in the South Norfolk tag rugby festival.  The morning was spent on a skills carousel,  with passing skills, teamwork and tagging techniques being honed. 


The afternoon saw the player split into two teams, each taking part in their own tournament against other south Norfolk schools. After an afternoon of hard running, accurate passing and some great shows of team respect,  both teams won their tournaments, winning every game and earning the title of 'invincibles',  and matching the exploits of last years incredible teams.


                                                                     March 2024

                    We Say Goodbye

      and a Huge Thanks to Mrs Sharp


It was a sad day at the end of spring term when we said farewell to Mrs. Sharp,  who has been our our fantastic school secretary and business manager for almost twenty years.  

There isn't anyone in school who Mrs. Sharp hasn't helped out, supported or lent a listening ear to over the years  and we are all going to miss her a great deal.   Good luck in your retirement and we hope you liked our gifts, cards and best wishes.

                                                                 Spring 2024

           C3 Green Flag Ecco Team

                 Reveal Plans in Assembly


The new Wreningham Ecco Green Flag Team stepped up in assembly to reveal their plans to ensure our school is a 'green' school.   After an excellent presentation (and we know how scary it can be to speak to the whole school),  we learnt about the things we need to do to be an 'ecco' school.    If everyone does that bit extra, it builds into a huge positive change.  


So don't forget to use the recycling bins for paper,  put old batteries in the battery box,  help removing litter from the playground and pop your crisp packets in the crisp bins,  as well as making sure those lights and computers are turned off when not being used.



                                                                     March 2024

               Egg-tra-ordinary Egg-Drop


Eggs rained down from the sky during our our traditional

spring egg-drop event in school.  


There were all manner of strange contraptions on display in the last week of spring term, as we gathered in the hall for our annual 'Egg-Drop' event.   It was clear that the children had ploughed huge amounts of time and energy into their home-made vehicles, with the objective of safely carrying their egg to the ground without so much as a crack.

Mrs Furness climbed the ladder in the hall and sent each machine off on its journey.  Thankfully there were lots of smiles and laughter as egg after egg survived, with the odd casualty.  There was some great 'forces' science on display, with springs, wings, propellors, and even water used to absorb the force of the landing.


A huge well done to everyone who spent time creating, and decorating there egg-drop vehicles - we hope you are already thinking up some more devious designs for next year.



                                                               Spring 2024

Whole School Take a Trip to the Stars                                 

 A strange inflatable dome appeared in the village hall this term, but it wasn't a bouncy castle.  We were lucky enough to be paid a visit by Mr Willis and his incredible planetarium.


Each class spent time inside, where we were met by a huge screen wrapped around the room, and some very technical equipment to create the images. 

Once inside, we travelled through the universe,  exploring the stars and planets,  learning about the moon landings, the space shuttle and the international space station. Mr Willis has actually worked at NASA, so he was the ideal expert to answer all our questions about black holes, super-novas and life out there in the universe. 

A huge thank you to him for lending his time and bringing his wonderful window into the universe to school.



                                                               March 2024

    Incredible Achievement of Year 5/6

   Girls Football Team in County Finals

             ( Played 7 :  Won 3, Drew 3, Lost only 1!)


Wreningham girls showed their pure determination, resilience and ability in the School Games county finals this week - having qualified in the south Norfolk tournament the previous October.  It was a daunting prospect: facing huge schools with large pools of girls to choose from, including many academy and PDC  experienced players.  However, as usual, our children showed incredible attitude and willingness to run for their team - making every team they played against work for every inch of the pitch. 


Playing through some painful injuries in some frantic games, the girls recorded an incredible set of results, only being beaten once by a top team, and then by a narrow 1 - 0 defeat.   In two mesmerising, tense matches, they even came back from the dead, over-turning 2-0 deficits, winning 3-2.

It was great to see those girl's who scored for the first time in a big tournament experience the thrill of a last minute winner.


A huge thanks to those parents who helped out - and of course our amazing children who treated all their opponents with huge respect and kindness.



                                                                March 2024

                       Prepare for Your End of Term

Easter Egg-Drop Challenge (...and learn about forces too!)


It's time to get those cardboard boxes and plastic bottles out again - The Wreningham Easter Egg-Drop 2024 now getting closer, so get to work at home to build your own egg-drop contraption. 

The whole school will be gathering in the hall, in anticipation, on Monday March 25th, to test out everyone's home creations.  Make sure you check out the rules below ... and get building !


                                                              March 2024

                  World Book Week:

       WhDo You Want To Be ?


Wreningham kicked off World Book Week with an assembly asking,

' who would you wish to be?'.  The hall was packed full of characters from books and films, as well as children dressing up as their dream occupation.  We had vets (and a veterinary nurse) and super-heroes,, artists and fashion designers, pilots and Shakespearean characters,  a paleontologist,  footballers, an engineer...and even an astronaut (complete with rocket).

There was also a teacher and a police officer to keep everyone in check. 


A huge well done to all those children  and parents who spent time creating costumes - later in the week we'll be creating book covers for books about our characters or dream jobs.  


       Lots of artists...                                                          Meet our new teacher...


                                                            February 2024

       New Wreningham Netballers Have Great Fun

         ...  and as a Bonus, Retain their Netball Title


It looks like the legacy of Wreningham's incredible netball successes is in good hands again after last years all conquering team passed the baton on to our new batch of players.  Once again the year 5 and 6s showed their ability and willingness to run for each other by not only retaining the Wymondham Prep. Tournament trophy at Wymondham college. , but managing to get two teams to the final - guaranteeing a Wreningham win.  This was a new experience for many of the players in our three teams, and everyone could see the confidence increasing and wonderful skills emerging as the tournament progressed. 

This was a great chance for everyone to experience a competitive tournament on full sized pitches: our playground pitch is tiny compared.  However, all those practice sessions proved successful once again (imagine what level we could get to with the facilities which the high school have at their disposal). 


The two Wreningham finalist teams even managed to win their qualifying groups without conceding, and winning every game on their way to the final.   Great thanks to Active Norfolk for organising the tournament, and Wymondham Prep. for their lovely welcome .



   Taking time out - talking tactics?                Displaying the well earned trophy.

                                                              December 2023

       Wreningham School Traditional Nativities

              Welcome the Festive Season



 Wreningham children in KS1 and KS2 have always performed traditional nativity plays in the Christmas month, emphasising our Christian school ethos and ensuring the real meaning of Christmas is not lost in our school.   With huge efforts from children, staff and parents, it was wonderful to perform the nativity through some great story telling, songs and performances.                                      


The key stage one children performed their nativity with huge confidence,  with many of our youngest children standing up in front of an audience for the very first time.  The songs were fantastic, and the performances incredible  - how did you remember all those lines KS1 ?  We also need to mention those impressive costumes.


KS2 performed their 'It's Christmas' extravaganza in the village hall, telling the traditional nativity story through a host of memorable Christmas songs  - with a supporting class 4 choir.  Thank you to everyone who came to watch - we actually ran out of chairs in the village hall.



                                                           December 2023

  Our 2023 Christingle Service 


The autumn term was brought to a close with our traditional Christingle service in the village church.  Year 6 took responsibility for organising and conducting the whole service, with year 5 reminding everyone of the symbolism of the orange christingles we all made in school to celebrate Christmas, with some performance poetry.   


Well done to Class 4 , who showed their ocarina skills by playing some some carols we all know, and especially to year 6 ,who did a fantastic job in what will be their last Christmas service with us.



                                                               November 2023

                We're Not Afraid of Heights:

       Class 4 Autumn Residential to Horstead:


 This year saw Class 4 visiting Horstead Residential Centre for 3 days in November. Year 5 and 6 threw themselves into archery, rock-climbing, zip-wire challenge, the dreaded 'Jacobs Ladder' climbing challenge, crate stacking, canoeing and even survival skills.



We also set out on a scary night walk, equipped with torches: and fortunately we all found our way back to the centre.  We rounded off the final night with a talent show around the bonfire and toasted marshmallows before bedtime.


Everyone had a great time, - with some lovely meals, and some ferocious games of pool in our free-time keeping everyone happy.  Thank you to the staff who gave up their time to oragnise this memorable experience for everyone.  We're now all looking forwarded to next year's class 4 residential to Norfolk Lakes.  


                                                               October 2023

          Wreningham Lionesses Show Their Skills

                    and Qualify for Big County Final in March



A huge well done to the 4 teams of girls who competed in the South Norfolk Schools Partnership Girls Football Tournament.  This year, we were able to field 4 teams of girls from year 3 to 6, with some girls competing in the sport for the very first time.

It was a frantic day of matches, with each team competing in a morning group, then progressing to the afternoon placing groups.  After hundreds of goals and some incredible goal keeping from our 4 keepers, everyone agreed that it was a fantastic day out, and we can't wait for next year.

Every team did exceptionally well, with one team gaining silver medal position and earned a place in the big School Games County Final in March. Good luck girls - we know you'll do Wreningham proud.




                                                             October 2023

           Our Harvest Festival Message



 Our term's theme of 'Compassion' was evident in our harvest

festival this year, along with some fantastic singing from all four

classes.  the hall was full of parents and carers for this years

celebration, and we'd collected a huge amount of food to help
those in need.


Captain  Tracey Bale  from the Salvation Army kindly spoke to us

about  how our gifts of food would be used to help those who are

homeless around Norwich.  Year 1 and 2 sang 'First the Little

Roots Grow', year 3 sang 'Thank Your Lucky Stars', and class 4

finished our celebration with their rap version of 'Cauliflowers



  A special round of applause to our year 1s who performed for the

first time at Wreningham.  Thank you to everyone who kindly

donated food, which will be distributed to those who need it most

around the city of Norwich.


            The 2022 to 2023  Academic Year:

July 2023

Class 4 Coraline

Performance of the year...re-visit our amazing,

creepy and original take on the brilliant 'Coraline' story by Neil Gaiman. 

Class 4 ended the year with their spectacularly strange and creepy version of the book 'Coraline'.  There were all manner of bizarre characters: from talking rats and cats, world famous escapologists, mind-readers and stars of the silver screen.  We were taken on a trip through  the 'little door', to the 'other' house, where buttons for eyes are a must. 


Year 5 and 6 put on three flawless performances, with a sprinkle of memorable songs - from 'People are Strange' to 'Somewhere Only We Know'.


The costumes were fantastic, with some carefully sewn rats ears from our design and technology lessons.  Everyone was a little wary though when the king rat and his gangster troop arrived with their authentic American accents.


Well done to everyone who gave the performances of their lives - no wonder the village hall was packed to the rafters. 

Now the only question left... what will next yea'rs play be?





                                                                       June 2023

      Current South Norfolk Mixed and Girls

  Cricket Champions Compete in County Finals

    Making History... and Win Incredible Bronze



                                                                   May 2023

      Annual Fun Run in Walk to School Week

   Shows Wreningham Children are the Fittest


The summer arrived with our annual sponsored fun-run in this, the national walk to school week.  A huge well done to everyone who made that extra effort to walk to school,  or park further away than usual to get those steps in.  Everyone was rewarded with some well-earned refreshments on Friday morning - a big thank you to those parents and staff who came in early to help with this.


The afternoon saw the sun shine and the older children link up with their  running partners from class 1 and 2, and away everyone went around the beautiful daisy-filled field. The energy from the youngest children shocked many of those from class 4, as they were led around at frightening pace.   It was wonderful to see how everyone was determined to push themselves on to achieve that 'extra' lap. 

The school council now have the job of totaling up the lap count and see just how far we managed to run as a school this year.



                                                             May 2023

     Class 4 Help Commemorate Life of Lotus

      Co-founder and are Inspired by Technology


Class 4 were delighted to take up an invitation by our local world renowned sports car designer and builders, Lotus, to help them commemorate the life of one of their co-founders, Hazel Chapman.

The day began with a fantasttc viewing of Lotus' latest electric sports car designs - and at a value of 2.3 million: we were careful not to touch. 


The children then took part in a balloon-powered car design task - with some great teamwork and collaboration on view. After testing the designs, it was off to the commemorative tree planting, surrounded by press and VIPs, including members of the Chapman family.  Wreningham children then planted 10 special commemorative trees, with Lotus unveiling a plaque to mark the occasion.


There was still time to make some dreams come true and climb into the driving seat of one of Lotus' high powered super cars.


A huge thanks to all the wonderful staff at Lotus, especially Sarah, who looked after us all, and gave the girls, in particular, great inspiration for a future career when she revealed she was a mechanic - re-enforcing the messages everyone receives at Wreningham - that everyone can do ANYTHING - there are no barriers.



                                                               May 2023

       Design & Technology Lessons Address

            Current World Issues in Class 3


Class 3 have been putting their design and technology knowledge and learning to use this week , in designing and building refugee shelters from discarded materials.  They have been able to discuss the problems which many people face in relation to being displaced or seeking escape from bad situations around the world. 


A safe, dry place to shelter is often a huge problem, and class 3 have been learning about the difficulties and solutions to building, securing and weather-proofing a home with a lack of perfect materials.




                                                              18 May 2023

 Year 5/6 Netballers Sweep to Silver and Gold

    (and perform incredible act of kindness and sportmanship)


Two of our fantastic netball teams competed at the UEA for the School Games all-schools netball title this week, and blew open the record books.  Both teams won all their games in the group stages, which meant they would meet each other in the grand final.  Obviously, Wreningham won the title of 'champions', and for the first time, claimed the silver medal position as well.


Our netball success has been incredible over the last few years, claiming our 4th consecutive champions title, with the children competing against both large and small schools.  It is a testament to the children's determination, resilience and ability , that they swept every team they played aside with at least 3 or 4 nets to spare.  Everyone should be so proud of their achievements - with all those wintery, cold and wet (with no complaints) after-school sports evenings on our tricky playground court a distant memory. 


It was also a day when an incredible act of kindness was performed by our amazing children - we are so proud of you  The letter we received from Forncett school explains what happened:

Text Box: From: Sarah Turner <STurner@forncett.norfolk.sch.uk>  Sent: Friday, May 19, 2023 3:26 PM  To: Office - Wreningham VC Primary School <office@wreningham.norfolk.sch.uk>  Subject: FAO: Mr Jones - Netball Event - Thank you!     Dear Mr Jones,      Yesterday, I took a group of girls from my school to the netball event at the UEA. Sadly, our team came last, despite heroic efforts!   As I am sure you are aware, the teams from Wreningham came in first and second place - congratulations! To my surprise,  when the winning team had collected their medals, they immediately passed them to the girls from Forncett, offering them words of congratulation and encouragement. They had also offered kind words and coaching during the games they played together.     I would like to pass on my thanks to the wonderful, kind hearted and sporting children from your school for this lovely gesture. The Forncett girls were thrilled and really appreciated what your children had done.     I am sure you are very proud of your children - they are a credit to your school.  Kind regards   Sarah Turner  Class Teacher and SENDCo  Carleton Rode & Forncett St Peter CEVA Primary Federation     ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself’ Matthew 22:39
























                                                                 May 2023

          Class 3 Hone Their Biking Skills

                       with Bikeability


You needed your eyes open if you were hoping to wander across the playground this week, as children from class 3 were put through their paces as part of their 'Bikeability' skill and  safety training. 


All the children were incredibly focused and learnt good techniques to their braking, control and awareness skills.


                                                              May 4th 2023

          'May 4th Be With You Class 4 ''


     C4 Celebrate Star Wars Day and Raise Money for Autism Charity


Class 4 travelled to a galaxy 'far...far away' on May 4th, the annual international Star Wars Day.  There were some incredibly clever costume designs, ranging from Princess Leia, Bo-Katan, a trio of Reys, Yoda, Kylo Renn and not to mention those members of the dark side (we know who they are !).  Congratulations  and thanks to everyone who took the time and effort do something positive to help others.


The crackle of light sabres could be heard throughout the school,  although the jedi mind trick did not seem to work on the Imperial Stormtrooper who popped up in class that day...   It was a fun way to celebrate the day, with even some Star Wars literacy and maths  work to do, and raise some money for charity.  Well done Class 4.


                                                                May 2022

          We Celebrate the King's Coronation

             with Wreningham Family Picnic


To celebrate the historic crowning of King Charles, the whole Wreningham family came together in the village hall for a school picnic (obviously the traditional English weather put pay to an outside picnic). Everyone enjoyed traditional cream teas, and admired the fantastic King's portraits created by all 4 classes.


It was great to have everyone there for our weekly celebration assembly, where our stars of the week were presented with their certificates and prizes awarded for the King's portrait winners. A huge thanks to Andrea and the Friends for the incredible amount of work  they put in in organising this event.


                                                                   April 2023

           School Council Organise and Teach

            Whole School on Curriculum Day

                               (Year 6 Children Take Charge)


In a school first, the School Council took it upon themselves to take charge of curriculum teaching one day this month: planning, organising and teaching a full curriculum day for every class. The day comprised of 4 areas of the curriculum:


1. Maths - learning about and constructing 3D shapes using nets which will be fitted together to create a whole city model.

2. Literacy -with some inventive improvised-drama lessons.

3.  Art - water colour skills used to produced a whole-school-garden piece of art work.

4.  PE movement, balance and agility skills. 


The year 6 children who ran each session ensured the lessons were planned at the appropriate level for the year group they were teaching, and their skills and knowledge of how to teach effectively were evident (with some eye opening experiences of who tricky teaching can be sometimes).  They did a great job and it was clear some great learning took place across all the classes.




                                                                  March 2023

          Egg-citing, Egg-Drop Egg-stravaganza


We held our traditional spring egg-drop event in school.  

The hall was turned into our egg-drop arena, with Mrs Thurlow making her debut as the machine-launcher, climbing the ladder to drop our egg contraptions.


                                      The usual rules applied:

     -  no parachutes      no balloons      the egg must be visible

                                -  must be easily removed. 

All manner of incredible designs were on show,  with many , many eggs surviving the terrifying plummet down to the hall floor.


Thank you to everyone who took the time to create such imaginative creations at home, and to all those parents who spent time helping out the children so they could take part.


The survivors and the casualties...





                                                                   March 2023

            Our School Gathers at All Saints for

                 End of Term Easter Service


The end of a tiring but fun and eventful term finally arrived, with the whole school, and invited year 6 parents, taking part in our now annual Easter service at Wreningham church.  Class 4, and year 6 in particular, led the service, using 12 Easter eggs to retell the story of Easter. 


The singing was wonderful, and class 4 showed off their ocarina and guitar talent.  Year 5 contributed with a poignant poem, '1938' which fitted in beautifully to the Easter story.

Year 6, who did a great job taking charge of the whole service, finishing with some end of term prayers.


We also said a sad goodbye to Reverand Lydia, who is leaving the parish, and we'd all like to say a huge thank you for all her wonderful support for our school over the last few years.


                                                                   March 2023

              Operation Ocelot Update

 Council Sell Recycled Hand-made Gifts to Boost Total


Our £100 rainforest target is well on its way to be smashed, with the School Council using their freetime to design and make recycled bird-feeders and pencil pots from old tin cans.

  These are on sale in school, along with seeds for planting in your garden and every penny goes to saving our patch of rainforest in Brazil.  Thank you to the council members, and their families for helping out with a great eco cause for our green school.


                                                                   March 2023

              Everything's Gone Green !

         Wreningham Embark on 'Operation Ocelot' and

  Hope to Save Area of Rainforest the Size of Our School


                        Members of the School Council Organise Our Campaign

The hall was filled with green on Friday, with the whole school supporting Operation Ocelot, a campaign organised by The World Land Trust, swapping our uniform for green or an animal theme.


We were lucky to have a  representative of the trust, one of our parents, speak to the whole school to explain how important the rainforests are (they are literally 'the lungs of the planet') and how we can help secure the protection of one acre of forest in Brazil - protecting all the animals and plants (including the ocelot) who make it their habitat.



Thanks to the generosity of everyone at Wreningham, we are well on the road to raising the £101 required to purchase the rainforest area the size of our school,  and next week, the school council will be selling recycled tin cans - re-purposed into pencil holders and bird feeders.  Once again, Wreningham, the school council and eco-officers have shown we are always looking for ways to demonstrate our 'green', eco

school ethos, and are always searching for ways to help to protect our beautiful world.



                                                                 March 2023

                       Wreningham Netball Skills

                               Continue  to be Top Notch


The relentless Wreningham KS2 netball teams rolled on this week with another tournament win and some incredible high speed netball. We were invited by Active Education to compete in a tournament at Wymondham College Prep. School, and were able to field two teams from Class 4.  Competing against Earlham Junior School and two teams from the prep school, the Wreningham players showed their skills, on a huge pitch and in frosty temperatures.

Both teams fought their way through to the semi finals, with one team winning, and the other narrowly missing out 2-1 against a team they had previously beaten in the group stage. 


    Taking time out - and no, it wasn't raining...     Displaying the well earned trophy.

Both teams went on to win their final game, with one team romping home in the final 6-0 to secure the trophy, and the other gaining 3rd place in a tense sudden death shoot off with Earlham - who showed great sportsmanship.   Many thanks to Mrs Tancred who helped out on away-day event, and our children, who were exceptionally respectful.



                                                                   March 2023

     Fantastic Girl Footballers Do Wreningham Proud...

             and are  Crowned South Norfolk Champions



A huge well done to the 29 girls who competed in the South Norfolk School Games 5-aside football tournament this month. It was a new experience for many of the girls, but some weekend practise at GOALs helped greatly and everyone threw themselves into a frantic competition with confidence. 


All four teams, including our two younger year 3/4 teams, battled to the end, with every team experiencing that winning game feeling, with the goals shared around. 


One team however, came out top of the pile: our year 5/6 team won every game in their group in the morning, and then followed that up with 3 straight victories in the afternoon, competing against schools much larger than ourselves.  Thank you to all those who helped out, and Laura, our South Norfolk Sports Partnership organiser for running

the tournament - and especially our children who behaved impeccably and showed all the schools they played against, the greatest of respect.                                           



                                                              March 2023

                  World Book Day

                   with Quizzes and Spoons


We celebrated World Book Day this year with a difference: instead of dressing up as characters, everyone made their own character from a wooden spoon, meaning the hall was filled with all manner of characters, creatures and fairy-tale animals.

We began the week with a visit from our friends at Bookbugs and Dragon Tales bookshop in Norwich (if you haven't paid them a visit, it is one of the best children's bookshops around). 


Each class had its own workshop - with class 4 finding out all about Arthur Conan Doyle, and his character, Sherlock Holmes.


Some lucky members of Class 4 were also invited to Wymondham High School to take part in a book quiz in their beautiful library.  It was a fun, and sometimes tricky competition, with our children displaying great book knowledge (but as they admitted themselves, their theme-music skills may need some work). 


Everyone thoroughly enjoyed this event and we'd like to thank the staff at Wymondham High for their welcome and hard work in running such an enjoyable experience. The children from all the schools there took part in a great friendly spirit and we're already looking forward to next year's event.


                                                             January 2023

                      Our Children Deliver

        Thoughtful  Assembly about Respect


 This month, children from upper key stage 2 put together a thought provoking collective worship assembly, based around our half-term theme of 'Respect'.  We were treated to some wonderful piano playing to accompany the children into and out of the hall, and then listened as our collective worship leaders explored the idea of respect through poetry and drama : acting out the story of 'The Good Samaritan' in their own unique way.


The whole hall was silent , with everyone listening closely and taking part in a question and answer session.  This tied in nicely with our 'dress as you like' day',  and our 'hearts' display, organised by the 'Friends' , with every child having their heart displayed with messages of love and respect for them from their families and friends.


A huge thanks to those children who planned and delivered such a great assembly, and to our resident piano players.


                                                            December 2022

          The Cold Doesn't Bother Us Anyway!

   Class 4 Winter Residential to Norfolk Lakes


 This year saw Class 4 visiting a new residential venue - Norfolk Lakes Activity Centre.  It just so happened our 3 day visit co-incided with the coldest snap of the year, and we awoke to a frost-white scene on our first morning.  This didn't stop year 5 and 6 throwing themselves into kayaking, caving, fencing, paddle boarding, orienteering in the dark and some tricky team initiative problem solving. 



We also took part in a scary blind trail activity, and even had time to build our own rafts on a freezing cold lake - and were brave enough to try them out.


Everyone seemed to have a great time, regardless of the cold - with some lovely meals, including our cooked breakfast, keeping everyone happy.  Thank you to Mrs Cameron who helped lead our trip, and an extra big thank you to Mrs Watts who stepped in at late notice to help out.  We're now looking forward to next years trip to Horstead


                                                                November 2022

          Fantastic , but cold, School Games

          Rugby Festival for Invincible Wrens


Class 4 enjoyed a fantastic day in the autumn sunshine - although it was bitingly cold - and showed their rugby skills, with both teams proving invincible in their afternoon round-robin tournament.


It was a first experience of out-of-school rugby for the majority, and everyone clearly had a great day's rugby fun and competition.  After a morning carousel of rugby skills activities, two teams played against other south Norfolk schools in the afternoon.  Both teams won all their games, with the proceedings watched and managed by our three young leaders for the day - our roving sports reporter and two guest team managers.


Thank you to Laura for organising this great event, and Wymondham rugby club for their great facilities.




Wreningham Children Remember



 Everything stopped for a beautifully observed two minutes silence  at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, to remember those who had given their lives for our freedom. 

         There were many poppies worn throughout the school, and classes took part in some thought provoking discussion about the reasons for doing this, and the significance of the poppy.


                                                            October 2022

Beautiful Singing at Harvest Festival


 It was back to the village hall at last, for our harvest festival this year.  Everyone squeezed into the hall, with many many parents  joining us (approx. 100) to share our festival. We were joined by Reverand Lydia,  who showed us how 'HARVEST' encapsulated many words and ideas to make us think about the world around us

- and how important it is to think of others.


         Every class performed a memorable harvest song (with Class 1 & 2's Red Tractor song being the highlight).  A wonderful Franch song by class 3 was followed by class 4, adorned with conkers, singing and playing instruments to the 'conkers' song.


  Thank you to everyone who kindly donated food, which will be

distributed to those who need it most around the city of Norwich.


          The 2021 to 2022  Academic Year:


                                                                     July 2022

              KS2 Learn About Democracy

          and Elect New Head Teacher

               (but just for one day in July)



Key Stage 2 got involved in the democratic process this month by voting for the next head teacher for Wreningham (although they would only be in the role for one day only, in July). Children in assembly listened intently to the election speeches delivered by the candidates and decided which manifestos were most attractive. 


After everyone had popped their vote into the ballot box (all secret of course), the voting papers were counted up. It was a close contest , but a winner was elected and became Wrenigham's Head Teacher for a day on July 20th.  As well as dealing with school business in the office, the 'new' head planned a Harry Potter Experience day, with quiditch games between the houses, potion making (very smelly), dragon egg decoration and wand making. 


Well done to all the candidates, who impressed us all with their confident, clear and professional speeches, and a huge thanks to our new Head who organised a wonderful, magical day.


                                                               July 2022

              Alice Take a Trip Through

       the Looking Glass with Class 4

Class 4 ended the yewar with an incredible performance of

their own unique play, 'Alice through the Looking Glass'. - inspired by the book by Lewis Carroll and the films by Tim

Burton.  The village hall was packed to the rafters and the actors in year 5 and 6 gave the performances of their lives. 

The stage was filled with all manner of strange characters, acted superbly: from a devious Red Queen to white rabbits and knights, Albert Einstein and Time himself - not to mention fiesty mice, mad hatters and the ladies of the elite fighting force of the Night Watch.

A huge congratulations for all your hard work and dedication learning lines and making props and costumes: especially to everyone who gave up their weekend for extra prop making in the July sunshine. It really was a night to remember.



                                                                June 2022

            Whole School Art Exhibition

Gives Tate Gallery a Run for it's Money


After the disruption of the last few years, it was great to be able to turn the hall once again into the Wreningham Art Gallery.  Every child had work on display, and the timing of the event , c-inciding with sportsday, allowed all our families to visit and view the children's' incredible talent and hard work.

There was an amazing range of art on display, from sculpture to pottery, impressionism to Turner's and Constable's landscapes.  You could visit Machu Pichu with some beautiful watercolours from Class 3 , or take a trip on a time machine with some ingenious automata machines.. 


Our pottery bug houses were also on display from the school Council artist visit on Art Day, having been fired in the kiln.  Class 1  showed off their beautiful weaving skills, with pastel decoupage from Class 4 transporting you to the mysterious isle of Hy-Brasil, and the favelas of Rio.





                                                                June 2022

            First Ever Cricket Tournament

        at Beautiful Ground is Big Hit


Wreningham carried on their proud tradition of the past ten years in producing some great young cricketers, and this was the first toe in the water for the year 5 and 6s who had not had the opportunity to compete in the last couple of covid years.  The weather was stunning, and the Great Melton cricket club was the perfect English cricket setting for the South Norfolk School Games Mixed Cricket Tournament.  The boys' team scored some huge sixes and grew into the tournament, winning one of their games and a big score and losing a couple by a mere handful of runs - equivalent to a dropped catch in this form of primary Dynamo cricket. 


The girls set off at a great pace - using some great intelligence in their batting partnerships and winning their group with two straight wins, to compete in the final top four.  They narrowly missed out to Lodden boys in the semi-final - playing superbly, and a greater feat considering the majority of the team were still in year 5. 


The overall fourth place in this mixed tournament, competing against older and more experienced boys' teams was a great preparation for their upcoming county girls' finals at Horsford.



                                                                 June 2022

                We Are Visited by Norfolk      

       Accident Rescue Service (NARS)


We were lucky enough to be visited by Mr Maddams this month, who brought his NARS rescue vehicle into school for all the classes to learn about the work of the Norfolk Accident Rescue Service.

       (You can visit their website here)


We all got to learn about the importance of a quick response in an emergency, including how CPR could help save someone's life - which is also an important element of our RSHE learning.  Some of us even got to wear the equipment and sit in the vehicle, as well as learning how a defibrillator works.

We also got to watch a video which explained the amazing life-saving work Mr Maddams and his friends volunteer for (which you can watch on the NARs website link above).



                                                                 June 2022

              We Celebrate Queens Jubilee

                                  with Portraits and Picnics


The sun shone down on our slightly delayed Jubilee celebrations, but the party was in full swing on Friday afternoon.  The school field was filled with families taking very civilised afternoon tea, with scones, cream and jam, and we even had a guest dinner lady helping out.  The afternoon culminated in everyone gathering in the village hall to view our 'Portraits of the Queen' exhibition,  where prizes were awarded to winners in each age category after the exhibition was opened up to the public over Jubilee weekend.


Click here to see more of the day and our gallery on our

'British Values' page.




                                                                 May 2022

                  School Council Organise

             Wonderful Whole School Art-Day



Summer 1 term finished in beautiful sunshine, and perfect weather for the School Council's Art Day.  The council leaders planned and put together a whole art-themed day for the school, with a carousel of activities.  The sun held out for much of the day, allowing the outside 'nature art' activity to take place in the fresh air.

                         To see our beautiful creations ,

                      click to visit our 'Outdoor Learning' page' .


Each session delivered a different art technique, with a whole range of origami animals being taught by the year 6 council members in class 4, and individual feather creations in class 2 - each one being incorporated into our huge school wren now on the wall in the hall.


The council even arranged for a professional artist to come and teach a pottery session to each class - with everyone creating their own unique 'bug-hotel', which is off to be fired in a pottery oven.


A huge thanks to the council for arranging such a creative day which every one enjoyed, and can be reminded of every time they look up to the wren in assembly.



                                                                 18 May 2022

                  Year 5/6 Netballers Sweep

                 All Aside to Take Gold Again                 

Wreningham took the UEA by storm in the South Norfolk School Games netball tournament, on one of the hottest days of the year.  We  took three teams to the event (24 children), with everyone keen to throw themselves into a full days competition.  The hard work , enthusiasm and enjoyment was there for all to see, with lots of smiles and a great feeling of achievement - with this the first time most children had competed outside school. 


All three teams showed their skills and understanding of the game, with the Wreningham Pythons and Asps having to play against each other in a ferocious head to head in their group : played in the best of spirits. After a day's competition in the blistering heat, the Wreningham Vipers, having won all their games in the group element, staged a last minute come-back in a tense grand final, beating Morley 4-3 to take the title,  and a third successive netball gold for Wreningham. Well done to everyone who competed, including those children who stepped out of their comfort zone and tried something new - you are all stars.



                                                                   25 April 2022

                  Class 3 Athletics Team Win

            Silver in First Ever Competition


A first experience of competing on a real athletics track resulted in fantastic success this week, when the Class 3 new athletics team brought home the silver medal.  Nine teams from south Norfolk competed in the School Games Quad Athletics team event.: involving a 50 m sprint, standing long jump, vortex throw and a grueling 400 m run..


The resilience and determination from the 5 girls and 5 boys was wonderful, especially in the exhausting 400m run, where everyone fought through the pain barrier to gain valuable time points for the team.  Everyone as ecstatic to learn they had finished second in the competition, and then by only 8 points - equivalent to a matter of inches or seconds in the overall event scoring.  

Thank you to everyone who represented the school impeccably, and also to Mrs Goodswen , our Schools Game's Coordinator, for the ultra-smooth organisation of a very tricky event.



                                                                    21 April 2022

                      Class 4 Learn about

              Cyber Security from the Experts


After a fun morning of learning about how to design and search databases using our Purple Mash platform, Class 4 were visited by Dr. Steve Jones, the Cyber Security Advisor from Norfolk Police.  We learnt about how to create secure passwords, the dangers of phishing and gained an awareness of what is right and wrong in the eyes of the law where computers are concerned.


We are now all much more aware of the issues involved in keeping ourselves and others safe online.  Many thanks to Dr Jones for kindly coming in to help us out with our online education.


                                                              March 2022

               School Games Rugby Festival:

              Smiles, Sunshine... and Bonus Success


What a fantastic day Class 4 enjoyed in the sunshine at Wymondham Rugby club this week.  The South Norfolk Sports Partnership organised a School Games tag rugby festival, and  Wreningham jumped at the chance to experience a morning of skills carousel, followed by a round robin tournament involving 18 teams from south Norfolk schools.


After an afternoon of incredible running, tagging and try scoring, the two teams were delighted to find out they'd finished third and first in their respective competitions - a fantastic bonus following a hugely enjoyable (and exhausting) day - and a first rugby experience for many, and even a first school sports event experience for others. 

Thank you to everyone, including Mrs Fearn from the rugby club, and Laura Goodswen, the Sports Partnership organiser, and especially the KS2 children who represented our school with such a great attitude and respect for the other teams and the sports leader officials from Wymondham College.



                                                              March 2022

           Class 3 Finally Go on Residential

            (an exhausting and fantastic experience away...)


After 2 years of pandemic disruption, Class 3 finally got to go away on residential: this year to our new destination of Aylmerton Study Centre for 3 days and 2 nights.  This was a big experience for many, and the first time away from home with school.


We were lucky enough have blue skies, and even a summer-warm Thursday for our monster trail orienteering activity on the Fellbrigg estate: getting super-soaked, solving clues and walking miles and miles in the beautiful countryside.


After our mornings of cooked breakfast and toast, we threw ourselves into team challenges, den building, a coastal geological walk and rock-pool creature hunting - not to mention our evening at the bowling alley and an incredible night-walk experience  (we can all now navigate using the stars without a compass) with a clear night with shooting stars... and we even met an ancient 500 year old hollow tree called George.


We all learnt to be more independent, confident and tackled some fears and challenges - not to mention our great team building, collaboration,  taking charge of serving our own meals and organising our rooms and clothes. 

A huge thank you to Mrs C for leading this incredible experience... we're all now looking forward to the next Class 3 and 4 residentials already - after some sleep, following the miles and miles we have walked in the last few days.



                                                              March 2022

                 Incredible Novice Netballers

      Compete in Toughest County Tournament


The Wreningham netball teams took a trip to Gresham's School to compete in the county netball tournament this month, and came away safe in the knowledge they had played their hearts out in the toughest of tournaments. 

          It was a great chance to play against experienced talented teams, mostly from the private schools around Norfolk, playing at a very high level.   Everyone competed well, showed a lovely respect before and after the games and came away having improved their skills and experience.   

The highlight of the afternoon was surely the incredible, memorable come-back from 5-1 down to a 6-5 victory in the Plate semi-final - a real heart in the mouth roller-coaster of a match and never to be forgotten : well done Team Wreningham, you really were incredible.

After a wonderful afternoon's play,  Wreningham lost a great game in the Plate final to Norwich School, 6-3, against much more experienced players - boding well for the coming year as the majority of the team were year 5.  Well down everyone - you were a credit to Wreningham.  Many thanks to Gresham's School, who made us all welcome,  and in particular Mr Ling (an ex-Wreningham pupil), who organised and invited us to the event.


                                                              March 2022

  We Celebrate World Book Day All Week


As the school with THE BEST school library in Norfolk, it was important we gave reading the gravitas it always deserves in our school - so we threw ourselves into World Book Day with a week of reading focused activities and visitors.


We always enjoy our 'Drop Everything and Read' time during the school day, and it was great to see everyone bring in their favourite books.  On Tuesday, each class had a visit from Poppy from the Bookbugs and Dragontales bookshop in Norwich - with sessions on myths, traditional tales and strange creatures.


On Thursday, everyone dressed up as their favourite book character, and the school was full of a myriad of strange characters and creatures: from princesses to superheroes, dragons to Gangsta Grannies, Coraline to Dennis the Menace.


On Thursday afternoon, we were treated to a visit by a real author and illustrator:  K.J.W. Hornby and Bethany Griib.  We listened to a reading of the beautiful story, Luke and the Ghost Dog,  and the whole hall was silent as the author read her own story to the school.


The week was complete with a pop-up book shop,  the chance to exchange our book-week vouchers for a free book, and a fantastic treasure hunt organised by our library supremeo, Mrs Watkins -

Thanks again for all your hard work in helping us enjoy our reading to the fullest.


                                                           February 2022

                  We all Love Basketball...

         and Win the Silver Medal as a Bonus ! 


Class 4 put their hard work and huge enthusiasm for basketball to good use in the South Norfolk basketball tournament at Framingham Earl high school this month. Wreningham took 3 teams (24 children) to the event, far more than any other school - showing again the opportunities our children have to experience new sports in a new environment.  A place was secured for everyone who wished to try this new experience. 

After all our practice outside on the playground in the rain (not the best basketball practice conditions), the teams showed their skills, determination, respect and sportsmanship.


After a hugely enjoyable and frantic afternoon,  the Wreningham Rockets managed to reach the final in a tense shoot-off,  finally finishing in the silver medal position, and earning the opportunity to play a big final across the whole adult size basket ball court with a big crowd watching on. 

Many thanks to all our children who conducted themselves so well, and to Kay Turner and Laura from the South Norfolk Sports Partnership (and our School Games coordinator), who organised this fantastic event.  Year 5 are already looking forward to next year.


                                                              November 2021


     Wreningham Football Girls Compete Again !

                                             (  ...and win bronze  )                                                                                                       


 It was great to finally get back to some inter-school competition, and the upper and lower key stage two girls were the first to throw themselves in.  On a beautifully sunny day at GOALS,  years 3,4 and 5 competed in the South Norfolk Girl's Football Tournament.  Both teams fought hard and showed some emerging skills - with many girls competing for the very first time. 


After a slower start, Team 1 finished off the day with a 4-0 and an incredible 5-0 - with T bagging two hat-tricks!  Team 2 came mighty close to winning the tournament in their age-group, conceding an agonising equaliser in the last minute of the last game.  This placed them in bronze medal position - with A securing top scorer for the day.

        All the girls were a credit to Wreningham, showing great respect to the other teams, and playing with a wonderful spirit.  We are now all looking forward to next year's competition.




                                                           October 2021

Wonderful Harvest Festival in School

 It was wonderful for the whole school to join together this week for our harvest festival in the hall again, after last year's online celebration.    We were joined by Elizabeth from Hope church, who provided us with a wonderful re-telling of the story of the 5 loaves and 2 fishes from the Bible.


Every class performed a memorable harvest song (with Class 1 & 2's Red Tractor song still being hummed by everyone around school today).  Thank you to everyone who kindly donated food, which Hope church will ensure reaches those who need it around the Norwich area.




                                                            October 2021

                   Wreningham Children Use Their After-school

     Free-time to Throw Themselves into Sports Clubs


Wreningham children have again shown that they just love sport and keeping fit, with many children choosing to take up the offer of free sports clubs after school again this year - and special recognition to the year 5 and year 3/4 girl's football teams, who even gave up their Sunday morning (and their brilliantly supportive parents) for an extra outside-school training session to get used to the pitches at GOALs before their South Norfolk tournament.

Tag-rugby, netball and indoor athletics after-school clubs have proved a huge hit - with the weekly javelin challenge a particular favourite.


Class 3 have been  introduced to dodge-ball and are learning netball skills from some experienced Year 6 players on a Tuesday evening,  and the Friday athletes are now gearing up to gain their British Athletics Pentathlon level badges.



                                                                 September 2021

                                              KS2 Visit The Norfolk

                        Records Office and Discover

   What Life was Like in Wreningham 100 Years Ago


Key Stage  2 spent a Monday in September at the Norfolk Records Office, where class 3 and 4 learnt about the inhabitants and life in Wreningham 100 years ago. We got the chance to look at some original old documents and maps, and investigated how the population lived in our village. We even found out the name of the Head Teacher at school - Mr Bacon.  


In the afternoon, we were taught about how documents were preserved and maintained , and did some detective work to date and sort a whole range of old documents, and letters.  Many thanks to the staff at the office who looked after us and provided a great day of fun and learning.

          The 2020 to 2021  Academic Year:


                                                                      July 2021

     Year 6 Sleepover Transforms School  

       into Glastonbury Style Tent City

                                                               (indoors !)



To make up for not being able to have their annual residential, year 6 were treated to a special school sleepover on the last Friday in term.  The school was turned into tent-city, and the evening was filled with crazy water games, a barbecue and a talent show with marshmallows around the camp fire.

It was a hot summer's evening and a night everyone would remember : but there were some very tired heads in the morning.



                                                                       July 2021

              A Normal Sportsday at Last

                       (...and Yellowhammers finally win)



On the last Friday of term, Wreningham finally got to stage the sportsday we had missed last year due to covid.  After a fantastic opening Haka by KS2 on the field, parents were at last able to come and watch our traditional end of year event, followed by a picnic in the school grounds.


Everyone took part in our skills stations, followed by class races and a grueling long distance race.  Thank you to everyone for their wonderful determination , and the lovely spirit and respect displayed by the children while competing. When the results were totted up, Yellowhammers were declared the winners for 2021.  We also presented The Phoenix Cup, awarded to the sports-person who showed consistently high levels of achievement, determination, respect and skill throughout the year: and this years winner was a deserved and popular winner amongst an incredible strong field of great athletes in class 4.



                                                                 June 2021

           Class 4 Turn Wreningham into a

    Back-Stage Workshop on Weekend


Class 4 put all their ingenuity and creative skills into great practice on one of the hottest days of the year so far on Sunday.  The school was turned into a creative back-stage workshop as 25 children gave up their Sunday to come into school to create the props and scenery for this years incredible play. 

Lots of children came in straight after their weekend sports clubs and tournaments:  showing the huge drive, and enthusiasm our children have to do something worthwhile, creative and fun in their own time.  Thanks to everyone who helped - thank goodness we had plenty of ice lollies on hand in the heat.




                                                                June 2021

                  Finally Back Competing:

Tag Rugby Fun into the Torrential Rain

                                (But no moans... just big smiles)


It's a whole year since Wreningham last had the chance to compete in a sporting event, but this week we finally got the chance to have a day out on the sports field again.  Thanks to the efforts of the PE teacher from Old Buckingham High School, Mrs Fearn,  and teachers at Wreningham and Spooner Row, we were able to organise a great fun mini-tournament,  with 25 of our year 5 and 6 pupils taking part, and 2 teams from Spooner Row.




The rain really came down, but there were no complaints as it was just great to get back to some normality, and for some, a great new experience. Every game was played in a great spirit: friendly but competitive and with great respect for the young leaders who were refereeing.  The children should be proud of the way they represented our school.  We are now looking forward to more competition next year, but hopefully in drier conditions..





                                                                March 2021

       Incredible End of Term Learning Fun:

     Science/Design Technology Week



We finally all got back to school in March and rounded off this most strange term with a fantastic science week for the whole school.

Each class learned about forces and how they affect how buggies travel .

But that was not all: our task was to design a buggy to carry an egg safely down a ramp on the playground.


After a week of  scientific thinking and creative designing, the whole school gathered on the playground (with our bubbles socially distanced of course),  to test out all our vehicles.


Our design skills paid off and there were only a small number of egg breakages.


Prizes were awarded for the vehicles from each class which travelled the furthest distance, but everyone was rewarded with an Easter treat.




         The 2019 to 2020  Academic Year 

     (Our Extraordinary 1st Lock-Down)



                                                            July 2020


 Our Lock-Down Persuasive Literacy

             Letter Writing Pays Off !

After our literacy letter writing exploits a couple of weeks ago, we have a a great result from one of our persuasive 'if you don't ask, you won't get' letters.  About £50 worth of top dance costume and equipment was sent for free after this one:




                                                                17th June 2020

  Daisy Receives Letter from the Queen


After emailing the Queen several weeks ago, telling her about the one hundred mile walk she is attempting. This week, she actually recieved a reply from Windsor Castle.  Well done Daisy - this is a lovely thing to receive through the post.  We're sure you'll treasure it.



                                                              1st June 2020

                  We are Back in School!


After 10 weeks of school closure,  some us finally got back into school this week - and it looked a little different. Extra sinks, lots of hand washing and social distancing meant learning a new routine pretty quickly - which everyone has done incredibly well with no fuss. The great weather meant we could get outside in the sunshine.


Classes look a little different now, and someone is obviously very confused !

Well done to everyone in Reception, year 1 and 6 who just got on with the new rules and enjoyed just being back in school



                                                                April 2020

      New Running Track Takes Shape:

The school closure has not stopped the progress on our new running track.  Have a look at how the construction is getting on below.  This will be a great facility for our morning 'daily' mile activities and we look forward to a summer where we can hopefully use it when we are all back together.



                                                            October 2019

         Wreningham Girl Footballers

                Hit the Back of the Net



Two teams of Wreningham girls took to the field at the annual South Norfolk Girls Football Tournament at GOALS on 15th October.  This was a big day for the majority of our girls as they had never experienced competitive football before, and after a hard day's tackling, many of them couldn't wait for their next opportunity to compete. 


The year 5/6 team played incredibly well,  scoring three or four when getting into their stride, and only losing narrowly 1-0 to Robert Kett, who went on to the finals.  This is great experience for our tougher Norwich tournament on grass in the new year.

Our new, year 3 team (only one of our players from year 4),  competed brilliantly, and soon came to grips with the nuances of five-aside game-play.  The team only lost one game all day and finished an incredible 5th place.  In another twelve months, this team should be ready to take the tournament by storm.


Many thanks to all those parents who gave up their time to ferry children to and from the competition - I know everyone had a great day supporting our children.



                                                        October 2019

            Its Harvest Time Again...

After a very interesting week of R.E., learning about how festivals in religion bring people together, we celebrated our annual Wreningham harvest festival in the Village Hall,  with special guests Reverand Avery , and Majors Andrea and Mark Sawyer from the Norwich Salvation Army.


Many thanks for all the donations of food;  Major Sawyer explained to us how this would go to those who really need that extra helping hand around Norwich this year. All the classes performed songs and poems and the celebration was filled with some beautiful harvest singing.

A huge well done, especially to our reception children, who were performing at Wreningham in front of a large audience of parents for the first time.



If you would like to find out about the work of Major Sawyer and The Salvation Army in Norwich, just click the logo above:



                                                          September 2019

                Wreningham Supports

                      Nelson's Journey


In September, Sarah Dodge from Nelson's journey paid us a visit so we could hand over our huge cheque for the money we have been raising for them.  Nelson's Journey is a wonderful charity in Norfolk which helps and supports children who have experienced a bereavement.

                               Nelson's Journey's Vision:


Every bereaved child in Norfolk will look forward to a positive future, empowered to reach their full potential

          Our ambition is perhaps best summarised by our strap line:                                    bringing back smiles.


Sarah explained in assembly how our money would be used to help those children who have experienced a death of a loved one and even brought in their giant worry-eating monster.  She explained how children get their own mini-monster to help them get rid of their worries and fears by writing them down and letting the monster eat them.


If you would like to find out more about Nelson's Journey, click on the logo below:



                                                         September 2019

      Class 3 & 4 Visit Norfolk Archive

Class 3 and 4 spent an incredibly interesting and fun day at the Norfolk Archive this month. The staff at the Norfolk Records Office delivered a fantastically informative day's activities and tour which gave us all a real insight into how documents and photographs are looked after in our county.


We learnt how documents were restored and cared for ; the archive even has its own box-making machine to make the perfect box for every document.  In the afternoon, we were given a investigative task, finding out about the people and businesses in Wreningham over a hundred years ago.   The staff were very impressed with the impeccable behaviour, enthusiasm and desire to learn, as well as your beautiful handwriting, so thank you everyone for making this such a great day out.




Take a trip down

            Memory Lane:

Click here to visit the archive of school events: a reminder of all the incredible things which have taken place in our wonderful school over the last 10 years.


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Home of Champions -

    Win or Lose

The Norfolk

School Games

We Compete Here !


School Clubs News

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4th GREEN FLAG !!!

May 2023

Year 5/6

South Norfolk


Gold & Silver

Feb 2023

Year 5/6

South Norfolk

Girls Football Gold

Nov 2023

Year 5/6

South Norfolk

Tag Rugby Gold

May 2022 

Year 5/6

South Norfolk

Netball Gold

April 2022 

Year 3/4

South Norfolk

Athletics Silver

 17 March 2022 

Year 5/6

S, Norfolk Rugby Winners and 3rd Plac 

 11 March 2022 

Year 5/6

County Netball

Plate Finalists

 2 February 2022 

Year 5/6

South Norfolk


Silver Medalists

10 March 2020 

Year 5/6

Small Schools Netball S. Norfolk Rugby Champions Again

Year 5/6

S. Norfolk Basketball

Champions 2020


               20 June  2019    

Year 5/6 Finish Year

as Norfolk County Small Schools Netball Gold Champions Again !

                (find out more)

                  June  2019  

Year 5/6 Girls


School Games County Semi-Finalists

Year 5/6

School Games South Norfolk Quad Athletics Champions

Year 3/4

School Games South Norfolk Quad Athletics Champions


                  May  2019                  

Year 5/6

School Games South Norfolk Girls Cricket Champions

Year 5/6

School Games South Norfolk Tag Rugby Champions

                 May  2019

Year 5/6

Wymondham Quad Athletics Champions

                  May  2019

Year 3/4

Wymondham Quad Athletics Champions

                  Apr  2019

Year 5 /6

   Wymondham Small    

     Schools Netball    


                  Feb  2019

Year 5/6

South Norfolk Basketball Runners-UP

                  Feb  2019

Year 3/4 Girls

Norfolk School Games County Bronze Athletics Winners

                  Jan  2019

Year 5/6 & 3/4

South Norfolk Athletics Champions

                  Oct  2018

Year 5/6 & 3/4

South Norfolk Girls Football Finalists

         (Click to find out more)


     June 18th to 22nd 2018

          Year 5/6

Win County Netball Finals

          Year 3/4

Win County Athletics Silver

          Year 5/6

Win County Girls Cricket Silver

 New Library Open

Start the day off with a relaxing read with your parents/carers before class


Feb 25th 2018

Year 5/6

Athletics Team


(Click for more)

Jan 23rd & 24th  2018

Year 3/4 & Year 5/6

Athletics Teams

Win Gold

(Click for more)



Wreningham Archive

Click here to visit all those wonderful memories of events and activities from previous years.