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Wreningham VC Primary School


Diary Date

       Summer 2024

This half-term's Christian Value is


Some key dates for your diary!

June 2024

Mon 3

First Day of Summer 2 Term

Tue 4

Year 5/6 Mixed Cricket  Tournament

Hethersett and Tas Valley Cricket Club

Thu 6

Year 5/6 Girls Cricket  Tournament

Hethersett abd Tas Valley Cricket Club

Sat 8

School Tidy  Up Day

We need everyone to come and help to make our school look beautiful

Thur 13

Class 3 trip to Thetford -

Ancient House Museum

Sat 15

School Summer Fair and COlour Run on Village Field

Mon 10

School Prayer Space Week

Fri 14

Friends Non-Uniform Day -

Bring a Tombola Gift

Sat 15

School Summer Fete

Wed 19

5/6 Girls County Cricket

Finals at Hosford

Thur 20

5/6 Mixed County Cricket

Finals at Hosford

Fri 21

Class 2 Trip to

Time and Tide Musuem -


Fri 21

Wear Yellow for

Cystic Fibrosis

(Not Class 2 - School

Uniform for trip)

Wed 26

House Teams Spelling Bee in school hall (a,)

Thur 27

Class 4 in Village Hall for perfromance rehearsal (1:00 pm to 3:00pm)


Thur 27th & Fri 28

Class 4 Family lunch days

July 2024

Mon 1, Tue 2, Wed 3

Year 6 Transition Days for

Hethersett & Wymondham High Schools

Tue 2

Class Transition morning

Children meet their new teacher

Wed 3

Class 1 trip to

Bressingham Steam


Thur 4

NARS Emergency Vehicvle

visitsSchool Playground (am)

Thur 4

Head Teacher for the Day Election Voting for Children

Fri 5

Reports Out to Parents

Fri 5

FOWS Summer Disco

ion VIllage Hall

Wed 10

Class 4 Dress Rehearsal for Class 2,3 audience

Wed 10

Class Open Evening -

from 3:10 until 6:00pm

-  Come intoclass and see

your child's work from this year

Thurs 11

Class 4 Performance

Village Hall - 2 performances

9:40 am & 6:00 pm

Fri 12

Transition Day for Notre Dame Pupils

Fri 12

Wreningham's Got Talent


Mon 16

Year 6 Leaving Party

for Year 5 & 6

School Hall 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Tue 16

School Sports Day

and School Art Exhibition

in School Hall all day

Tue 16

Transition Day for Long Stratton Pupils

Thur 18

Head Teacher for the Day

(Election Winner)

Fri 19

Year 6 Leaver's Assembly on

School field - 9:30 am

Fri 19

Last Day of Summer Term

2024 Summer Holiday

Mon 22 July to Tue 3 Sept

September 2024

Wed 4

First Day of Autumn 1 Term


Norfolk Schools Calendar




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-  Raise funds as you shop online.-  FREE and simple to use.-  Spend less when you shop, with 100s of exclusive voucher codes.-  over 2,000 retailers to choose from(amazon, ebay, comet, M&S, next, Boots etc)

School Logo

Wreningham VC
Primary School
Ashwellthorpe Road,
Norfolk NR16 1AW


           'Together Everyone Achieves More'


                                      Our Vision Statement:

          "1 Corinthians 12:12, " There is one body but it has many parts.

                            But all its many parts make up one body."

   Working together so that everyone in our school feels safe, confident and    

      happy, curious to learn and able to achieve their very best within our     

                                         Christian community. 

                  Each half-term, we focus our thoughts in school, and collective

                              worship, around one of our 'Christian Values':

       Stewardship     Forgiveness     Friendship

           Courage          Hope       Compassion

             Respect     Kindness  L      Loveove 

    Perseverance      Service     Thankfulness

                                            Our school motto:

     'Together Everyone Achieves More'



     'Together Everyone Achieves More'



Parent Support for Children Online

Please visit the CEOPS ThinkUKnow website if you need advice or support on your child's use of the internet. The site

contains many support resources for parents.

Not sure what your child is doing on Instagram / Facebook / Snapchat / YouTube, or what the risks are? This is the ideal link for you: there are some very useful free guides here.

Click on the logo above to visit the site.


Our Visitors from 23.03.2020:

PHP Hits Count




Latest News  

School News Webpage

See what we've been

up to in our school :

learning, sports, events,

assembly, visitors, trips.


curriculum/policies links


School Newsletter

Visit PE and Sport

  at Wreningham

     2023-24 Awards

  We are awarded the                prestigeous

     Platinum Award


Read the Report Here


2023-24 Home-School Agreement



October 2023

Year 5/6

South Norfolk

Girls Football Silver

July 2024

Year 5/6

Girls County

Cricket Bronze

May 2023

Year 5/6

S. Norfolk Netball

Gold & Silver

Feb 2023

Year 5/6

South Norfolk

Girls Football Gold

Nov 2023

Year 5/6

South Norfolk

Tag Rugby Gold

May 2022 

Year 5/6

South Norfolk

Netball Gold

               25 April 2022 

Year 3/4

S, Norfolk Quad

Athletics Silver

               March 2022

Year 5/6

South Norfolk

Tag Ruby Gold

               February 2022 

Year 5/6

School Games:

S. Norfolk Basketball

Silver 2022



Bad Weather School Closure:

Please check Norfolk County Council website

:Click for School Closures.


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