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Wreningham VC Primary School


School Logo

Wreningham VC
Primary School
Ashwellthorpe Road,
Norfolk NR16 1AW

Have a look at the menu below for parent information, support and useful links.

1.  Parent Questionnaire Results

       (March 2024)

2. RSHE Parent-Carer Consultation Results

       (June 2024)

3.  School Development Plan

4.  Home-School Agreement

5.  School Pick-up Times

6.  School Uniform Information

(For additional information on purchasing, see right hand column of screen)

7.  Medical Advice (e.g. Covid)

8.  Online Safety and your Child

9.  Parent Readers in School

10.  Parents Evening Booking -

Links will appear here in October and March,

prior to parents evening.


     Results of our 2024 Parent Survey 

Many thanks to all those parents who took the

time to fill in our questionnaire to express your

views about our school. 

Please click on the information icon below to see the full set of results.



Please click here for additional parent comments


                 Have a Look at Our School      

                  Development Plan (click):                                          



If you have yet to sign a

Home School Agreement

please download one here and return to the school office.

Thank you. 

Click:Home School Agreement 


Arrangements for School Day

(New arrangements from 15th April 2024 -

in compliance with the required longer school day)        



Key Stage 1: Class 1 & 2

8.25 AM - class 1 and class 2 children drop off.

8.30 AM  - class 1 and class 2 register.

          Key Stage 2: Class 3 & 4

8.35 AM  - class 3 and 4 children drop off.

8.40 AM  - class 3 and 4 register.

8.35 AM - A bell will be rung to tell the children they may enter the classroom for registration.


All Classes:

Please ensure your child/ren are not left unsupervised on the playground; this is very important from a safeguarding and health and safety perspective, that the adult dropping off their child/ren must wait with them until the bell has rung.

If a KS2 child has a sibling in KS1, then drop off times still remain as detailed above.

Late Arrival

Children arriving after the registration times above will be recorded as late, using an L code.

On/after 9:00AM children will be marked as having an unauthorised absence for the morning sessions using a U code.

          Once the school gates have been locked :

Children and parents can use either the top or lower entrance to enter and leave the school.



Class 1 and Class 2: day ends at 3.00 PM

Class 1 children will wait behind the fence outside their classroom and be released directly to their parents.

Class 2 children will be released directly to their parents on the top playground.

Class 3 and Class 4 : day ends at  3.10 PM

Children released to their parents. 


We will continue to allow parents onto the playground only, NOT in the classrooms as this can be disruptive for many children. 




Parental Support

with Medical Issues:

A great book to help your children understand Coronavirus (.pdf)


Click the banner above for child illness guidance


Parental Support

with Online Safety Issues:

Find your online safety support and advice below:

Help and Guidance for Parents relating to Your Child and YouTube:

1. Internet Safety Advice Using YouTube

2. Internet Safety Advice Using YouTube Kids.


Parent Support for Children Online

Please visit the CEOPS ThinkUKnow website if you need advice or support on your child's use of the internet. The site

contains many support resources for parents.

Not sure what your child is doing on Instagram / Facebook / Snapchat / YouTube, or what the risks are? This is the ideal link for you: there are some very useful free guides here.

Click on the logo above to visit the site.

These other sites provide excellent, up-to-date support and advice for parents who need to untangle the online world which.our children seem to know much more about than us. Lots of practical and essential advice for keeping children safe.

Government Advice on E-Safety During Covid

Share Aware -

NSPCC site- keep track of what your child is doing on social networks and learn how to keep them safe

Internet Matters

Net Aware - developed by NSPCC and O2

O2 NSPCC HELP -LINE for Parents




Can you spare some time to listen to children read?

The school is always looking for parent volunteers to hear

children read. If you are interested in helping in school,

please speak to the school office. Attached is our

Quick Guide to Safeguarding Children we give to all volunteers:

Safeguarding Leaflet for Volunteers




School Dinners


Online Lunch Payment Information:

Click here for access to information


Visit the Norse School Meals Site for menus and extra nutritional/allergy etc. information here



School Uniform

You can now order uniform from Brigade or MyUniform through these links:

  Brigade Uniform Order

MyClothing Uniform Order



School Clubs News


Click for Details

of all Clubs


New Curriculum:

Assessement Without Levels

Wintery Weather

School Closure


Please check Norfolk County Council website or Local radio for School Closures.