Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
On this page you will find information relating to our curriculum:
- our classroom approach to learning
- our growth mindset behaviours for positive learning
- our phonics teaching and phonics scheme employed
- our current long-term curriculum plans for each class
- our online teaching provision and online-platform information.
Just click on the contents list to access the information you require.
1. The Lesson & Learning Behaviours
3. Spellings
and Learning Behaviours:
1. Our lessons at Wreningham begin by revisiting previous
learning- bringing forward ideas, knowledge and concepts which
may be built upon during the lesson.
This retrieval practise will improve our children's recall and retention of knowledge; it helps provide them with an anchor for their learning.
Diagram from TeachingWalkthrus byTom Sherrington and Oliver Caviglioli
Retrieval practise helps integrate that knowledge we have acquired in our short term memory through focused learning, into our limitless long term memory. This knowledge is more readily integrated through activities such as regular retrieval practise.
The more we use retrieval practise, the more organised and integrated our knowledge will be in our long term memory: making it much more easy to recall/remember (bring back into our short term memory for effective use) - and reducing the risk of forgetting.
Retrieval practise is also important at regular intervals and at the end of the lesson.
2. Within a lesson, where appropriate, the following approach is adopted:
'I do. We do. You do' is a method of modelling that starts with some demonstration by the teacher, then moves to a supported gradual release model, where responsibility is handed from the teacher to the child.
Support, is still provided when required or requested of course.
There may be an additional step of 'You Do It Again',
following additional input, guidance or advice from the teacher,
or after self review.
3. Throughout the lesson, and throughout our time in school,
we have adopted the help of 4 super-heroes:
Our Growth Mindset Learning Powers.
These are our super powers which support us in our aim to be the best positive learner possible. We will refer to these in lessons,
during activities in school and during school assemblies - they are also great behaviours to follow in everything we do in and out of school.
Click here for a copy of our Growth Mindset Learning Powers leaflet for parents (and children)
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As from 2022, Wreningham uses the
Little Wandle Phonics Letters and Sounds Revised
as its systematic phonics system.
Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised is a phonics programme validated by the Department for Education on 10th July 2021.
The following document sets out our reading intent statement:
The Wreningham Reading Intent Statement
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As from June 2022, Wreningham has implemented a new spelling scheme, allowing children to access weekly online spelling support through 'Spelling Shed'.
Each child will be assigned a personal logon, through which they can practise their weekly spelling list through a range of games and activities -, alongside their spelling handwriting practise.
Click the banner below to access the Spelling Shed Login page
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2023-24 (Cycle A)
2024-25 (Cycle B)
Long Term
Class Curriculum Plans
Our school comprises mixed year classes from year 1 to 6, therefore our curriculum is based on a two year rolling
programme for thses years.
Class 1:
EYFS (Reception) Curriculum 24/25
Class 2:
Year 1 & 2 Curriculum 23/24 Cycle A
Year 1 & 2 Curriculum 24/25 Cycle B
Class 3:
Year 3 & 4 Curriculum 23/24 Cycle A
Year 3 & 4 Curriculum 24/25 Cycle B
Class 4:
Year 5 & 6 Curriculum 23/24 Cycle A
Year 5 & 6 Curriculum 24/25 Cycle B
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Maths Plans
Maths planning from year 1 to 6 is based upon the White Rose Mixed Age Maths scheme to ensure full coverage, using a fluency, reasoning and problem solving approach. Each class tailors the specific White Rose suggested planning for the needs and requirements of the class.
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Remote Teaching Provision:
During the 2020 school closure, this website was used as the link between home and school: you can gat a flavour of tthe fantastic work done during this most challenging time by visiting the Class 4 page - #C4TOGETHER links. Here, you can view the rich and
broad curriculum maintained throughout this home-school period.
Wreningham now uses Microsoft Teams for its online remote teaching platform, used successfully from autumn 2020, and during the winter 2021 school .covid closure. This platform was implemented following the first lockdown to ensure the school was prepared well for any further closure situations.
Children are provided with logon details, along with instruction in relation to accessing online assignments, contacting their teacher and submitting ('handing-in') online assignments. Online lessons can also be conducted through Teams, as they were for those home-school children in spring 2021, where teachers were teaching children both at home and in the class-room simultaneously on a daily basis.
In addition, our recent introduction of the Purple Mash web-based educational portal will provide a further online classroom resources which are accessible at home.
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New National Curriculum
September 2014
As from September 2014, we have been teaching to the 2014 National Curriculum. We will strive to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which the children will find engaging, challenging and enjoyable, whilst meeting the requirements set out in the 2014 documentation.
You can download the school presentation relating to 2014 Primary Curriculum and the replacement of levels with age-related expectations here:
Assessment without Levels at Wreningham
(Powerpoint Dcoument)
Download the 2014 NATIONAL CURRICULUM here
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