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Wreningham VC Primary School


School Logo

Wreningham VC
Primary School
Ashwellthorpe Road,
Norfolk NR16 1AW

Wreningham is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children

School Development Plan

2023-24 School Development Plan


School Parent Questionnaire

School Parent Questionnaire - March 2024

School Parent Questionnaire - Additional Comments

School Finance

Schools Financial Benchmarking Service for Wreningham

(Link to GOV.UK benchmarking site related to Wreningham VC Primary School)



Home-School Agreement

2023-24 Home-School Agreement

Previous 2020-21 COVID Home-School Agreement


Data Protection Information - GDPR

GDPR Privacy Notice for Pupils and their Families 2019

May 2018 Information Update on GDPR

GDPR Data Protection Policy 2024


Safeguarding Policies:

2023 Whole School Policy for Safeguarding Incorporating Child Protection

Safeguarding Leaflet for Staff/Governors/Volunteers/Visitors -2023-24

Online Safety Policy 2024

Behaviour including Anti Bullying Policy 2023

Positive Handling and Physical Intervention Policy 2024

Exclusion Policy 2022

Health & Safety Policy 2024

Educational Visits Policy 2024

Intimate Care Policy 2024

Attendance Policy 2024

Medical Needs Policy 2024

Extended School Clubs and Activities Policy 2024

Low Level Concerns Policy 2024


Pupil Premium:

Pupil Premium 2023-2024

Pupil Premium 2022-2023


SEN Related Policies:

SEN Information Report 2023-2024

SEND Wymondham Cluster Policy Feb 2022

School Equality Plan 2022


School SATs and Performance

School Year 6 National SATs Results

Curriculum/Teaching Related Policies:

Collective Worship Policy 2019

R.E. Policy 2022

Relationship, Sex and Health Education Curriculum:

RSHE Policy 2024

RSHE Information Video for Parents PDF

RSHE Parent Consultation Letter 2024

RSHE Parent Information Powerpoint  2024

RSHE Parent Consultation Results 2024

Maths Calculation Policy 2023

Homework Policy 2021

Curriculum Policy

Marking Policy 2023

Handwriting Policy 2024

Assessment and Moderation Policy


PE Related Policies/Documents:

School PE Policy

Latest use of PE Premium and PE Provision 2023-24

Statutory Reporting of Year 6 Swimming

Use of PE Premium and PE Provision 2022-23

Use of PE Premium and PE Provision 2021-22

Use of PE Premium and PE Provision 2020-21

Use of PE Premium and PE Provision 2019-20

Use of PE Premium and PE Provision 2018-19

Use of PE Premium and PE Provision 2017-18

Other Policies:

Admissions Policy 2024

Accessibility Plan 2024

Charging Policy

School Complaints Policy 2024

Performance Management and Appraisal Policy

Recruitment and Selection Policy 2024

Code of Conduct Policy  2022-25

Whistleblowing Policy 2024

Cluster Absence Policy 2024

