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Wreningham VC Primary School


School Logo

Wreningham VC
Primary School
Ashwellthorpe Road,
Norfolk NR16 1AW


"You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them."    - Michael Jordan


  PE Provision at Wreningham        



  Use the contents list below to select the aspect of PE at      

                  Wreningham you wish to explore:

             1. Wreningham PE Intent Statement


             2. The Current Use of the PE Premium


             3.  Previous Use of the PE Premium


             4. Statutory Swimming Report


             5. Wreningham Sports Captains / Leaders


             6. After-School Sports Clubs


             7. Inter-School Participation and Achievements


Our PE Intent Statement

For all children to enjoy being active and experience excellent physical education, school sport and physical activity: promoting  an active and healthy lifestyle that will lead to life-long participation.

In addition, to develop agility, balance and coordination,  foster  respect, resilience and determination, and  provide opportunities for  collaboration and communication.  


Please click here to see our

PE Intent-Implementation-Impact document



      The PE Premium at Wreningham

          Our 'Use of the PE Premium' Document 2023-24


detailing our use of the PE Premium , along with other information related to physical education

within Wreningham VC Primary.


We take PE seriously at Wreningham,  ensuring our children receive high quality teaching using the REAL PE fundamental movement skills scheme, and experience a range of activities and sports, building upon the fundamnental skills taught, and promoting an active and healthy lifestyle. 

This includes the opportunity for all boys and girls, regardless of ability, medical need or special educational need, to take part in sports festivals, events and inter and intra school competitive and non-competitive sport, before they move on to high school.  We encourage all our children to take part, grab the opportunity of a new experience, compete, or take part, with respect and have high expectations of themselves. 




                  Our House Sports    

                   Captains/ Leaders

Our Year 6  House Sports Captains are always active in devising great activities during each term - setting personal best challenges, arranging mini intra-sport competition and introducing younger members of our school to new sports or healthy activities for break times:

This year (2022-23), they have run exceptionally popular personal best indoor athletics challenges in the autumn term - teaching speed bounce and standing long jump skills: awarding certificates in assembly to those children who excelled.

Our recently painted additional hopscotch grids provided a great opportunity for the Leaders to organise lunchtime challenges: this proved a winner , particularly in KS1.


A week of lunchtime dance proved a huge hit:  the Leaders and School Council pumped music out into the playground and led the school  in  a fantastic outdoor dance extravaganza.

This spring term saw basketball skills on the agenda, with dribbling and shooting challenges organised in break and lunchtime by the Leaders. .

The activities were tailored for everyone who wished to have ago, providing a fully inclusive, active and enjoyable experience for children from reception through to year 6.

This was followed by a week of tennis skills, setting the nets up and teaching racket skills, balance and hitting technique to the younger children.

A huge thank you to our House Sports Leaders, who have worked incredibly hard this year organising and implementing these activitites for everyone on school.



                           After School Sports Clubs

Our staff are happy to provide additional opportunities for children to take part in, learn and enjoy a range of after-school sports and physical activities.  In years not affected by Covid, we run an incredible range of after-school active clubs for a small school:


       KS1 tennis club, tag-rugby, table-tennis,

    netball and basketball,

       mixed football, girls' football,

      KS1 multi-sports and KS2 multi-sports,

      athletics, lacrosse, hockey, cricket,

     dodgeball, goalball and indoor athletics.


Attendances in these clubs are extremely  high, demonstrating the enjoyment and enthusiasm Wreningham children have for PE.                                                             

Statutory Reporting of Swimming Levels :

Year 6 2023-24

(Cohort of 15 Year 6 Children)

Prior to leaving Wreningham in July 2024,  100% of Year 6 children

are able:

- to swim 25 m

- use a range of strokes including backstroke

- perform safe self rescue  and talk about rescue situations.

(Our swimming lessons and assessemnt were carried out by insructors at the University of East Anglia Sports Park swimming pool)

Statutory Reporting of Swimming Levels :

Year 6 2022-23

(Cohort of 18 Year 6 Children)

Prior to leaving Wreningham in July 2023, 94%.(17 out of 18)

of Year 6 children are able:

- to swim 25m

(1 child progressed from non-swimmet to 15 metres)

- use a range of strokes including backstroke

- perform safe self rescue  and talk about rescue situations.




          PE Premium in Previous Years

          Our 'Use of the PE Premium' Document 2022-23

          Our 'Use of the PE Premium' Document 2021-22

           Our Use of the PE Premium Document 2020-21

(PE in school was affected by 2020/21 Covid closures)


                        PE Report to Governors 2020

Our Use of the PE Premium Document 2019-20

(PE in school was affected by summer 2020 Covid closure)

Our Use of the PE Premium Document 2018-19

Our Use of the PE Premium Document 2017-18


Click on the link to our

2017-18 School Games Gold Mark Moderation Document - used as an exemplar for other schools' guidance



Sporting Participation and Achievements

2014 - 2024:

'During the game , it is the heart, effort and determination shown in striving to compete honourably which counts - after the final whistle it was the love of taking part that was important.'

Our huge successes in the sporting arena, including great success in the Norfolk School Games Level 3 County finals, are always achieved in a spirit of sportsmanship and respect.

 The medals won are a wonderful bonus - a consequence of the passion, enjoyment and application shown by Wreningham children. - illustrating our approach to PE perfectly.

2022 South Norfolk Tag Rugby winners


Roll of Honour



2023-2024 Participation & Achievements:

                     2023-24 South Norfolk School Games Girls Football Teams

1.  S. Norfolk School Games Girls Football Tournament - October 2023  

    Year 5/6  2 Girls Teams competed (16 children)

    Team silver position - qualified for county finals in March 2024

     Year 3/4  2 Girls Teams competed (16 children - 8 for first time))

2.  Inter Primary School Netball Tournament  – February  2024

      21 Year 5/6  children attended (19 for first time) - 3 teams

      Tournament Champions and Tournament Runner-Up

3.  Norfolk School Games County Girls Football Finals – March 2024

      7 Year 5/6  children attended

      Incredible achievement: played 7 games, W3, D3, L1

4.  Norfolk School Games Hockey Festival – March 2024

     All year 3s attended  (all for first time)

5.  School Games Yr 1/2 Cricket Festival – April 2024

     All Class 1 attended  (half for first time)

6.  School Games Yr 5/6 Tag Rugby Festival and Tournament April 2024

      24 Year 5/6  children attended

      Incredible performance. Both teams win every game and children

       all children included - leadership roles

7.  Norfolk School Games Yr 3/4 Tag Ruby Festival – April 2024

     All year 4s attended 

8.  Norfolk School Games Netball Finals – April 2024

      2 teams - 15 children attended

      Tournament Champions and Tournament Runner-Up

9.  School Games S.Norfolk Mixed Cricket – June 2024

      2 teams - 19 children attended (10 for first time)

      Tournament Runner-up and county finals qualifier

10.  School Games S.Norfolk Girls Cricket – June 2024

      9 children attended (4 for first time)

      Tournament Champions and county finals qualifier

11.  School Games County Finals Mixed Cricket – June 2024

      10 children attended

      County Plate Winners

12.  School Games County Finals Girls Cricket – June 2024

      9 children attended

      County Plate Winners



2022-2023 Participation & Achievements:

                     2022-23 South Norfolk School Games Girls Football Winners

1.  Wymondham Tag Rugby Tournament  - October 2022  

    Year 5/6  Class Girls/Boys competed- half for  the first time

    3 Teams won their individual group tournaments unbeaten

2.  South Norfolk Girl’s Football Tournament -  March 2023 

    16 Year 5/6 girls and 14 Year 3/4 girls  - 18 for first time

    Tournament Champions


3.  Inter Primary School Netball Tournament  – March  2023

      14 Year 6  children attended

      Tournament Champions


 4.  South Norfolk Mini Tennis Festival – Feb  2023

       (postponed until Summer 2023)

    20 Year 3/4  children to attend - all for the first time


5.  South Norfolk Kwik Cricket Festival – March   2023

(rearranged to July 2023)

       20 Year 1/2  children attended - majority for first time

6.  School Games Norfolk Netball Tournament  at UEA – May  2023

      14 Year 5/6  children to attend

      Tournament Champions - and Tournament Runners-Up

7.  School Games South Norfolk Girls Cricket Tournament  – June  2023

      16 Year 5/6  children  - 2 teams - 10 for first time

      Tournament Champions - qualified for County Finals

8.  School Games South Norfolk Mixed Cricket Tournament  – June  2023

      16 Year 5/6  children  - 2 teams - 6 for first time

      Tournament Champions - qualified for County Finals

9.  School Games Tri Golf Games Values Festival   – July  2023

      10 Year 3/4  children  - all for first time


10.  Norfolk County Cricket Girls Finals Tournament  – July  2023

     9 Year 5/6  children 

      Tournament Bronze medal from 16 teams

11.  Norfolk County Cricket Mixed Finals Tournament  – July  2023

     8 Year 5/6  children 

      Tournament 6th position from 16 teams

12.  Women's World Cup Festival for Girls Football - July  2023

     26 Year 3/6  girls 

13.  Wreningham Annual Summer Sports Day  – July  2023

     Whole school participation both in inclusive team House events

     and individual races



     2021-2022 Participation & Achievements:


   2022 South Norfolk School Games Netball Triple Champions - Wreningham

1.  Wymondham Tag Rugby Tournament  - July  2021

    26 Year 5/6  Girls/Boys competed- all for the first time

    Tournament Runner-Up  

2.  Heathersett and Tas Valley Cricket Club Festival -  July 2021  

    15 Year 1  children attended  - all for first time


3.  South Norfolk Girls Football Tournament  - Oct 2022

    - Targeted Competitive Event

     8 Year 5/6 Girls and  8 Year 3/4 Girls competed- 10 for the first time

    Both Teams Group Runners-up   ("When can we do this again!)

4. Year 5/6 South Norfolk Basketball Tournament – Feb 2022  

    - Targeted Competitive Event

     3  teams   competing (24 children – most for first time!)

     Wreningham Rockets  -  Silver Medal Finalists

5.  Gresham's School -  Norfolk County Netball Tournament – March 2022

    - Targeted Competitive Event

    17 Year 5/6 Girls/Boys -  all for the first time - "We loved it!" 

      Plate Finalists

6.  Wymondham Tag Rugby Tournament  - March 2022

   - Targeted Competitive Event

    21 Year 5/6  Girls/Boys competed- 11 for the first time

    Tournament Winner and 3rd Place  

7.  South Norfolk School Games KS1  Kwik Cricket Festival  -

     March 2022

    20 boys/girls from Class 1 taking part – all for first time

8.  South Norfolk School Games Year 3/4 Quad Athletics at UEA -

     25 April 2022 - Targeted Competitive Event

     5 boys 5 girls from Class 3 taking part – all for first time

      Event Silver Medalists

9.  South Norfolk School Games All-Schools Netball Tournament  -

     18 May 2022 - Targeted Competitive Event

      3 teams boys/girls from Year 5/6 - 24 children - all for first time

      Event Champions

10.  South Norfolk School Games KS2 Mixed Dynamo Cricket  - 

     15 June  2022 - Targeted Competitive Event

     10 boys/girls from Year 5/6 taking part – all for first time

11.  South Norfolk School Games KS2 Tri-Golf Festival  - 27 June 2022

       5 boys 5 girls from Year 3/4 taking part – all for first time

12.  Norfolk All Schools County Girls' Cricket Finals  - 29 June 2022

       10 girls from Year 5/6 taking part

         Quarter Finalists

2019-2020 Participation & Achievements:


The 2019-20 South Norfolk Tag Rugby Champions

The last School Games inter-school sport sevent before 2020 lockdown


1.  South Norfolk Girls Football Tournament  - Oct 2019 

8 Year 5/6 Girls and  8 Year 3/4 Girls competed- 10 for the first time

Both Teams Group Runners-up


2. Wymondham Cluster Swimming Gala (Years 3 to 6)  - Nov  2019 

30 children compete -  2 gold medals


3. South Norfolk Swimming Gala Finals (Years 3 to 6)  - Jan 2020 

Wreningham Represented in 2 races – Gold medal boys backstroke


4.  CSF Premier Stars  Football Tournament (boys) – Jan  2019

  8 boys competed – Group Winners – Quarter Finalists


5.  CSF Premier Stars Football  Tournament (girls) – Jan  2019

  8 boys competed in tournament for first time


6.  South Norfolk School Games Sportshall Athletics Year ¾ - Jan 2019

  10 boys  & 10 girls competed – 12 for first time

Girls Qualify for County Final – Boys 3rd places


6.  School Games County Sportshall Athletics Finals Year 3/4 -  Feb  2020

     10 girls compete in Large Schools Event

–-  Silver medal position in Field Events 6th place from 16 overall



7.  Year 5/6 South Norfolk Basketball Tournament – Feb 2020

-  3  teams competing (26 children – most for first time!)

Wreningham Divison 1 Champions & Division 2 Runners-up


8. School Games South Norfolk Tag Rugby Finals   - March 2020

2 teams (20 children compete – 10 for first time)

–  South Norfolk Champions for second consecutive year


Total Number of Participant Places in All School Games Events from Year 3 to 6:

=124 participant places


Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 school closures,  further participation in intra/inter-school events, including the Norfolk School Games has not been possible from March 2020


Inter-School Events – 2018/19

2018-19 Year 5/6 Tag Rugby Wymondham and S. Norfolk Champions


1.  Tag Rugby Wymondham Cluster Tournament  - Nov 2018 

3 teams (30 children compete)

–  Winners Team 1– Qualify for South Norfolk Finals

Semi-Finalists Team 2,  Team 3 5th Place (from 9  teams)

2.  South Norfolk Girls Football Tournament  - Oct 2018 

Year 5/6 Girls and Year 3/4 Girls compete

Both Teams Runners-up - beaten in extra-time

3. Wymondham Cluster Swimming Gala (Years 3 to 6)  - Nov  2018 

32 children compete - 3 children selected for South Norfolk finals

4.  CSF Football Tournament (boys and girls) – Jan  2019

  Group Runners-up - Unbeaten

5.  Sportshall Athletics Year 5/6 Tournament-  Jan 20189

– Wymondham Winners – Qualify for South Norfolk Finals

6.  Sportshall Athletics Year 3/4 Tournament-  Jan 2019

– Wymondham Winners – Qualify for South Norfolk Finals

7.  South Norfolk Indoor Athletics Year 5/6 Finals  - Jan  2019

Winners – Qualify for School Games County Finals

8.  South Norfolk Indoor Athletics Year 3/4 Girls Finals  - Jan  2019

Winners – Qualify for School Games County Finals

9.  South Norfolk Indoor Athletics Year 3/4 Boys Finals  - Jan  2019


10.  Norfolk School Games County Sportshall Athletics Finals-  Feb 2019

Year 5/6 Boys, Year 5/6 Girls and Year 3/4 Girls

- Year 3/4 Girls  Silver Medal Winners

11.Year 5/6 South Norfolk Basketball Tournament – March 2019

-  Three  teams competing (24 children – most for first time!)

Wreningham Finalists - Win Silver Medal

12.   Wymondham Cluster Quad Athletics Tournament – April 2019

-  Year 3/4 Team and Year 5/6 teams competed

Wreningham Year 3/4 Winners - qualify for S. Norfolk Finals

Wreningham Year 4/5 Winners - qualify for S. Norfolk Finals


13   Wymondham Schools Netball Tournament – May 2019

-  Two teams competing (18 children – most for first time!)

Wreningham Small School Champions – qualify for S. Norfolk Finals

14.  Year 5/6 Tag Rugby South Norfolk Finals - May 2019

10 children competed

–  Winners - South Norfolk Champions

15.   Wymondham Kwik Cricket Mixed Tournament – May 2019

-  20 children – 10 experiencing tournament for first time

3rd Place

16.   South Norfolk Girls Kwik Cricket Mixed Tournament – June 2019

-  20 children – 2 teams  - 10 experiencing tournament for first time

Champions - Qualify for County Finals at Norfolk Cricket Club

17.   South Norfolk Quad Athletics Finals Year 3/4 – June 2019

-  10 children – 4 experienciing competition for first time

Winners - Qualify for County Finals

18.   South Norfolk Quad Athletics Finals Year 5/6 – June 2019

-  10 children – 2 experienciing competition for first time

Winners - Qualify for County Finals

19.   County Quad Athletics Finals Year 3/4 – June 2019

-  10 children

8th Position from 15 mainly large school teams

20.   County Quad Athletics Finals Year 3/4 – June 2019

-  9 children

12th Position from 14 mainly large school teams

21.   County Girls Kwik Cricket Finals Year 5/6 – June 2019

-  10 children

Group Winners - Quarter Final Winners - Semi-Finalists (Lost by 7 runs)

19.   County Netball Finals Year 5/6 – June 2019

-  8 children

Winners - Small Schools County Netball County Champions

Additional Events in July 2019:

Wreningham School Games House Finals Day

Wreningham Sports Day

School Games Sports Partnership Statistics:


Total Number of Participant Places in All School Games Events

from Year 3 to 6 in 2018-19:

=374 participant places


The School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Schools in England are able to assess themselves across Bronze, Silver and Gold awards criteria.  Wreningham has now been awared GOLD for 2016-17, 2017-18 and most recently(in August 2019) for 2018-19.


Inter-School Events – 2017/18

2017-18 Year 5/6 Girls Football South Norfolk Champions


2017-18 Year 5/6 Wymondham,  South Norfolk and County Athletics Champions &

Year 3/4 Wymondham and S. Norfolk indoor and outdoor athletics champions

1.  Tag Rugby Wymondham Cluster Tournament  - 30 children competed - Nov 2017 

–  Winners Team 1– Qualify for County Finals

Semi-Finalists Team 2,  Team 3 5th Place (from 9  teams)

2.  South Norfolk Girls Football Tournament  - Nov  2017 

Year 5/6 Gilrs compete & and Year 3/4 Girls compete for first time

Winners Team 1– Qualify for School Games County Finals

3.  South Norfolk Cross Country Competition (Years 3 to 6)  - Nov  2017 

Lucy Thompson 4th place – Qualifies for County Final

4.  CSF Football Tournament (boys and girls) – Jan  2018

  – 3rd in Group

5.  Sportshall Athletics Year 4/5/6 Tournament-  Jan 2018

– Wymondham Winners – Qualify for County Finals

6.  Sportshall Athletics Year 3/4 Tournament-  Jan 2018

– Wymondham Winners – Qualify for County Finals

7.  South Norfolk Indoor Athletics Year 5/6 Finals  - Jan  2018

Winners – Qualify for School Games County Finals

8.  South Norfolk Indoor Athletics Year 3/4 Girls Finals  - Jan  2018

Winners – Qualify for School Games County Finals

9.  South Norfolk Indoor Athletics Year 3/4 Boys Finals  - Jan  2018

Winners – Qualify for School Games County Finals

10.  Norfolk School Games County Sportshall Athletics Finals-  March 2018

- Year 5/6 Small Schools Gold Medal Winners

- Year 3/4 Boys All Schools 4th Place ( One point off silver medal)

- Year 3/4 Girls  All Schools 6th Place

11.School Games County Cross Country Finals – March 2018

Lucy Thompson – 17th place from field of 80 ! Well done Lucy!

12.South Norfolk Basketball Tournament – March 2018

-  Three  teams competing (24 children – most for first time!)

Wreningham Finalists - Win Silver Medal

13.   School Games County Girls Football Finals – March 2018

Year 5/6 Girls  Bronze Medal Playoff Finalists –

Overall 4th in County

14   South Norfolk Small Schools Tag Rugby Finals – April 2018

best 14 teams in S.Norfolk

-  Two  teams qualified – 20 children competed

5th place and 8th place


15.   Wymondham All Schools Cluster Quad Athletics Tournament – April 2018

-  Year 3/4 Team and Year 5/6 teams competed

Wreningham Year 3/4 Winners - qualify for S. Norfolk Finals

Wreningham Year 4/5 Winners - qualify for S. Norfolk Finals


16   Wymondham Schools Netball Tournament – May 2018

-  Three  teams competing (22 children – most for first time!)

Wreningham Cluster Champions – qualify for S. Norfolk Finals

17   South Norfolk Tri-Golf Tournament – May 2018

-  Year 3: 5 boys, 5 girls

5th from 12 teams – fully inclusive event


18.   South Norfolk Quad Athletics Tournament – May 2018

-  Year 3/4 Team and Year 5/6 teams

Wreningham Year 3/4 Winners - qualify for County Finals

Wreningham Year 4/5 Winners - qualify for County Finals

19.   British Hockey Emerging Schools Tournament– May 2018

-  3 teams taken – 18 children – first time in hockey tournament

All three teams finished 2nd in their tournament groups

20.   Wymondham Kwik Cricket Mixed Tournament – May 2018

-  10 children – 7 experiencing tournament for first time

2nd in Small Schools competition


21.   South Norfolk Netball Tournament – May 2018

-  2 Teams competing

Team 1 - South Norfolk Champions

Team 2 - 5th place

22.   South Norfolk Girld Cricket Tournament – June 2018

-  2 Teams competing

Team 1 - South Norfolk Champions

Team 2 - Runners Up

First team win South Norfolk Gold, 2nd team 5th,

22.   South Norfolk Girls Cricket Tournament – May 2018

-  2 Teams competing

South Norfolk Winners and South Norfolk Runners Up,

23.   Norfolk School Games County Netball Finals – June 2018

-  2 Teams competing

Norfolk County Gold Medal Winners

24.   Norfolk School Games County Quad Athletics Finals – June 2018

-  Year 3/4 Team and Year 5/6 Team Qualified

Year 3/4 Norfolk County Silver Medal Winners

Year 5/6 Norfolk County 4th Place

24.   Norfolk School Games County Girls Cricket Finals – June 2018

-  Year 5/6  Team Qualfied as South Norfok Champions

Year 5/6 Norfolk County Silver Medal Winners

Inter-School Events – 2016/17

 2016-17 Net ball County Bronze Medalists


1.  Tag Rugby Wymondham Cluster Tournament  - 3 teams- Nov 2016

 Winners– Qualify for County Finals and Semi-Finalists

2.  South Norfolk Tag Small Schools Rugby Finals -  Jan 2017

–  5th Place Play-off Winners– Qualify for County Finals

3.  CSF Football Tournament (boys and girls) – Jan  13th 2017

  – 3rd in Group – 8 girls first experience of competitive football

4.  Sportshall Athletics Tournament-  17th Jan 2017

– Wymondham Cluster Winners

5.  South Norfolk Sportshall Small Schools Athletics Finals – 24th Jan 2017

– Winners– Qualify for County Finals

6.  Norfolk School Games County S. Schools Tag Rugby  - 1st Feb 2017

 Qualify for Cup Round – 7th place play-off winners from 14 Finalists

7.  South Norfolk Basketball Tournament -  8th Feb 2017

–  24 children given opportunity to compete

8.  Norfolk School Games County Sportshall Athletics Tournament

-  3rd March 2017

- County Silver Medal Winners

9.  Cluster Netball Tournament -  May 2017

-  24 children volunteering to compete

10. South Norfolk Netball Tournament – May 2017

-  Two teams competing – One team qualified for Norfolk County Final

11.  Whole School Race for Life – School Council – April 2017

-  Total of 500 km run by whole school in total

12.  Cluster Mixed Kwik Cricket Tournament at Melton Cricket Club – June 2017

-  Two teams competed -  One team qualify for South Norfolk Finals

13.  South Norfolk Mixed Kwik Cricket Finals  - June 2017

-  3rd place – ensured teams contained  50% boys 50% Girls

15.  South Norfolk Girl Cricket Tournament – June 2017

Two teams competed (20 children) – Third and fourth place. 

16.  Norfolk School Games County Netball Finals – June 2017

County Bronze Medalists

17.  Olympic Legacy sports event at Wymondham College – July 2017

-  All year 4 and 5 children


                             Inter-School Events – 2015/16 

2015-16 County Tag Rugby Champions

1.  Sportshall Athletics Tournament-  25th  Nov 2015

Wymondham Cluster Winners

2.  Cluster Swimming Gala – Dec 11th 2015

Two children selected to represent South Norfolk

3.  Tag Rugby Wymondam Cluster Tournament  - 11th Jan 2016

 Winners– Qualify for County Finals

4.  South Norfolk Tag Rugby Finals -  20th Jan 2016

–  Winners– Qualify for County Finals

5.  CSF Football Tournament (boys and girls) – Jan 2016

  – Group Runners Up

6.  South Norfolk Sportshall Athletics Finals -  Feb 2nd 2016

– Gold Winners– Qualify for County Finals

7. Norfolk School Games County Tag Rugby Finals - Feb 2016

–  County Small School Rugby Champions

8. Norfolk School Games County Indoor Athletics Finals - Feb 2016

–  County Bronze Medal Winners

9. S.Norfolk Basketball Tournament (Large and Small School) -Mrch 2016

–  5th and 6th place

10. Wymondham Cluster Netball Tournament (2 teams)- Mrch 2016

– Small School Winners

11. South Norfolk Netball Tournament (2 teams)- April 28th 2016

– 3rd Place - Qualify for County Finals

12.  Cluster Mixed Kwik Cricket Tournament (3 teams) – 18th May 2016

-  Qualified for South Norfolk Finals

13.  South Norfolk Football Tournament (2 teams) – May 19th 2016

-  3rd place and 6th place

14.  South Norfolk Kwik Cricket Finals (Large and Small)– Jun 7th 2016

-  4th place from 13 schools

15. South Norfolk Girls Kwik Cricket Finals (2 teams)– 9th Jun 2016

- Gold Winners– Qualify for County Finals

16.  Norfolk School Games County Netball Finals– Jun 22nd 2016

- County Silver Medal Winners

17.  Norfolk School Games Girls County Cricket Finals– Jun 2016- County Bronze Medal Winners

18.  Norfolk School Games Small School Football County Finals– Jun

- Semi-Finalists

Inter-School Events – 2014/15 

1.  Sportshall Athletics tournament- whole year 5 & 6 -  26th  Nov 2014

Wymondham Cluster Winners

2.  Cluster Swimming Gala – Dec 12th 2014

Two children selected to represent South Norfolk

3.  Tag Rugby South Norfolk Tournament  - 15th Jan 2015

 Runners-up – Qualify County Finals

4.  South Norfolk Sportshall Athletics Finals -  Jan 17th 2015

South Norfolk Winners– Qualify County Finals

5.  CSF Football Tournament (boys and girls) – Jan 21st 2015

Third by goal difference (by one goal conceded! Fantastic effort)

6.  Tag Rugby Small Schools Tournament  (2 teams)  - 27th Jan 2015

Wymondham Tournament Winners

7.  South Norfolk Basketball Tournament (2 teams) – 28th Jan 2015

Semi-Finalists - lost on basket-shootout after extra time.

8.  Tag Rugby Sainsbury’s Winter Games Finals - 4th Mar 2015

Norfolk County Small Schools Champions

9.  Sportshall Athletics Sainsbury’s Winter Games Finals -6th  Mar 2015

- Norfolk County Silver Medalists

10.  South Norfolk Hockey Tournament (4 teams!) - March 2015

- Missed out on final qualification by one goal conceded (again)

11. South Norfolk Football Competition(2 teams)– 28th Apr 2015

- South Norfolk Champions– Qualified for County Finals

12.  South Norfolk Partnership Netball Tournament – 24th Apr 2015

Finished 4th Place

13.  Cluster Kwik Cricket Tournament (3 teams) – Jun 2015

-  Qualified for South Norfolk Finals

14.  Girls Year 2 & 3 FA Football Festival

--  Won every game.  Well done girls...

15.  South Norfolk Girls Cricket Tournament - Jun 2015

Finished 6th & 7th.  Well done to all those 1st time cricketers

16.  South Norfolk Mixeds Cricket Finals - Jun 2015

- Incredible 5th place out of 14 teams including large schools

17.  Norfolk School Games County Small School Football Finals

- County Bronze Medalists - Third place

- Wymondham College Olympic Event – KS1 & KS2 -Summer 2 term

- Schools Summer games Day – Summer 2 Term 2015

- School Table Tennis Tournament – Summer 2 term 2015






"You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them."    -  Michael Jordan





    School Games

    Platinum Award:

Sept 2023 - Special

       Award to be

      held until 2025


  Awarded 2020 for

     Provision  and

Participation During

      Covid Lockdown

No Awards 20-21 due to covid


GOLD AWARDSAwarded 2022-23

Awarded 2018-19

Awarded 2017-18

Awarded 2016-17



Awarded 2014-15

Awarded 2015-16


Visit the Norfolk

School Games

We Compete Here !

May 2023

Year 5/6

South Norfolk


Gold & Silver

Feb 2023

Year 5/6

South Norfolk

Girls Football Gold

Nov 2023

Year 5/6

South Norfolk

Tag Rugby Gold

May 2022 

Year 5/6

South Norfolk

Netball Gold

               25 April 2022 

              25 April 2022 

Year 3/4

S, Norfolk Quad

Athletics Silver

             17 March 2022 

Year 5/6

S, Norfolk Rugby Winners and 3rd Place

        11 March 2022 

Year 5/6

County Netball

Plate Finalists

 February 2022 

Year 5/6

School Games:

S. Norfolk Basketball

Silver 2022


               October 2022 

Year 3/4

South Norfolk

Girls Football

Bronze Medalists

                 March 2020    

Year 5/6

South Norfolk Tag Rugby Finals Champions

                  Feb 2020    

Year 5/6

South Norfolk Basketball Tournament

A League Winnerss B League Runners Up

                   Feb 2020    

Year 3/4 Girls

Norfolk All-Schools

County Finals

Sportshall Athletics

Field Events Silver

                  Jan 2020     

Year 3/4

South Norfolk Sportshall Athletics

Girls Silver

Boys Bronze

                June  2019    

Year 5/6 Finish Year

as Norfolk County Small Schools Netball Champions Again !


Year 5/6 Girls


School Games County Semi-Finalists

Year 5/6

School Games South Norfolk Quad Athletics Champions

Year 3/4

School Games South Norfolk Quad Athletics Champions

                  May  2019                  

Year 5/6

School Games South Norfolk Girls Cricket Champions

Year 5/6

School Games South Norfolk Tag Rugby Champions

                 May  2019

Year 5/6

Wymondham Quad Athletics Champions

                  May  2019

Year 3/4

Wymondham Quad Athletics Champions

                  Apr  2019

Year 5 /6

   Wymondham Small    

     Schools Netball    


                  Feb  2019

Year 5/6

South Norfolk Basketball Runners-UP

                  Feb  2019

Year 3/4 Girls

Norfolk School Games County Bronze Athletics Winners

                  Jan  2019

Year 5/6 & 3/4

South Norfolk Athletics Champions

                  Oct  2018

Year 5/6 & 3/4

South Norfolk Girls Football Finalists

         (Click to find out more)


         Inter-School             Competition

            June 18th to 22nd

          Year 5/6

Win County Netball Finals

          Year 3/4

Win County Athletics Silver

          Year 5/6

Win County Girls Cricket Silver

                    May 24

          Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Win South Norfolk Netball Finals


                    May 23

Year 5/6 & 3/4

South Norfolk Quad Athletics Champions


                      May 1

Year 5/6 Wymondham Netball Champions

                     Apr 24

Year 5/6 & 3/4

Both Win Wymondham Athletics Tournament

                      Mar 8th

Year 5/6

Incredible 4th in

County Girls Football Finals

Feb 25th


17th out of 80 in

X-Country Finals

Feb 25th

Year 5/6

Athletics Team


(Click for more)

Jan 23rd & 24th

Year 3/4 & Year 5/6

Athletics Teams

Win Gold

(Click for more)

Jan 9th & 12th

Year 3/4 & Year 5/6

Athletics Teams

Win Gold

Autumn 2017

Rugby Champions Again !

click for more

2017 South Norfolk

All Schools Girls Football Champions

click for more




Kwik Cricket



Kwik Cricket


            Tag Rugby



for the official rules





Link to The Official

Quicksticks Website