The Class 4 Maths Archive:
Previous Weeks of School Closure Maths
You can revisit school closure weeks of maths work on this page. The 2 weeks prior to the Easter holiday can be seen on this page by scrolling down. All other weeks can be accessed by the links below:
Click Below for All Weeks from 20th April:
1. Maths work for week beginning 13th July
2. Maths work for week beginning 6th July
3. Maths work for week beginning 29th June
4. Maths work for week beginning 22nd June
5. Maths work for week beginning 15th June
6. Maths work for week beginning 8th June
7. Maths work for week beginning 1st June
8. Maths work for week beginning 18th May
9. Maths work for week beginning 11th May
10. Maths work for week beginning 4th May
11. Maths work for week beginning 27th April
12. Maths work for week beginning 20th April
Week of 30th March to 1st April 2020
Instructions are in RED
Wednesday 1st April:
- Investigation for Everyone today (it doesn't matter what group you are in)
Huge Easter Egg prize (and I mean HUGE), for first person who completes this challenge and sends picture to my email with proof you've done it.
This is not tricky today - just needs some counting and doubling skills.
A Chessboard Challenge:
Follow the steps below in order
First you will need to find a chess or draughts board, or even a snakes and ladders board (it must have at least 64 squares on). If you can't find one of these, make an 8 square by 8 square grid on a piece of papar the saem size as a chess board (you could use the centre pages of your yellow book.)
You need a bag of rice to do this (and the rice can still be reused for cooking afterwards). If you haven't got rice, you can put dots on the paper with a felt-tip,
Start on the first square with one grain of rice (one felt-tip pen dot).
Double this and put 2 on the 2nd square.
someone is nearly there - heres EPs solution...
on target for the big choclate egg...
here's EFs solution... here's OAs solution
heres someone with a not sure this from CB is what we wnated
terrible dressing gown
Double this and put four on the 3rd, then 8 on the 4th and so on and so on, doubling each time until you get to the 64th square, Then take a picture and send it to me if you can.
Quick quick now, who;ll be first to finish!
Write down in your book what number you got to.
If, for any reason, you don't get to finish putting the rice on (or dotting the square with a felt-tip I need to see a desription in your book of:
- What you did
- What you found out about maths in this challenge
- What number you think would be on the 64th square
- If there were any problems with this challeneg to do with the maths, what were they?
7. When you have finished all the above - and only when you have finished, clcik on these links to watch some youtube maths (but check first with your parents it is okay for you to access youtube)
Tuesday 31st March:
- Maths Monday Arithmetic Answers (Not Red Group)
Here's the answers to yesterday arithmetic. Se how you dis and correct the ones you didn't get.
Download Answers to Monday 30th March Arithmetic
- Maths Extra Ultra Challenge from Yesterday:
- Abacus Book 7 Group -
Drawing Reflections
Click here to download this page as a pdf -
Tip from Mr H ;)
In questions 9 to 14, think of each axis as a mirror. Things appear the same distance behind as in front of a mirror. Some shapes may overlap back on themselves.
- Abacus 6 - Book 3 -
CLICK HERE if you need a download of the page
Complete Page 51, 52 or 53- Relection
1. Challenge 1 - Page 51
2. Chalenge 2 - Page 52
3. Challenge 3 - Page 53
Tip from Mr H ;)
In Challenge 3 , 'reflect in both axis' means reflect below the horizontal line as if it were a mirror, and reflect in the vertical line as if it were a mirror. Remember, things appear the same distance behind as in front of a mirror.
- Abacus 5 Group -
CLICK HERE if you need a download of the page
Complete Page 51, 52 or 53- Relection
(Same as Year 6 today: You won't have the book so download the pages above)
1. Challenge 1 - Page 51
2. Chalenge 2 - Page 52
3. Challenge 3 - Page 53
Tip from Mr H ;)
In Challenge 3 , 'reflect in both axis' means reflect below the horizontal line as if it were a mirror, and reflect in the vertical line as if it were a mirror.
- 'Red' group (if you have been given a special photocopied book and not Abacus books 5,6 or 7 - you will know this as I spoke to your parents)
1. Complete Page 25 in the book 1 - Making 10 and 100
Tip from Mr H ;)
Remember, put the number in your head and count on using fingers of numicon blocks.
2. And remember to practise 2x and 5x tables in your tables book.
Week of 23rd to 27th March 2020
Instructions are in RED
Friday 27th March:
1. Arithmetic
No arithmetic today but here's another fiendish BODMAS question. Remember to send me your own tricky BODMAS question with a correct answer, we can built a library of dialy questions.
- Abacus Book 7 Group - Not in the book today
Lots of Challenging LEVEL 6 Questions - great fun
Click here to download this pdf
- Abacus 6 - Book 2 -
CLICK HERE if you need a download of the page
Complete Page 41 - Areas of Non Right Angle Triangles
Tip from Mr H ;)
Challenge – For non right angled triangles, the height we are using is INSIDE the triangle, as if you are firing a harpoon up to the highest point of the ceiling, this splits the triangle in two, so you can make two rectagles. and find the area of each and half it. Or, you can just use the whole legth of the base multiplied by the inside harpoon height, and simply half you answer.d
- Abacus 5 - Book 2 -
Perimeters - Choose the next challenge up from what you did yesterday.
Choose your next Challenge from yesterday
Challenge 2 - Page 39
Challenge 2 - Page 40
If you did challenge 3 yesterday, move on to page 41.
Tip from Mr H ;)
Remember, don't miss out any side, draw a small picture and cross out when you've walked along and noted the length.
- 'Red' group
1. Complete Book 1, Page 15 - More Odd and Even
Don't forget your dasily adding challenge again. Let see if we can get quicker at this.
2. Click here to see your daily adding challenge - follow the instructions on the page.
Tip from Mr H ;)
Remember, it is the number in the units column which tells you the whole number is odd or even - use your list of numbver between one and ten from yesterday to help out.
Thursday 26th March:
1. Arithmetic
No arithmetic today but here's the solution to yesterday's BODMAS/BIDMAS problem. If you send me your own tricky BODMAS question with a correct answer, we can built a library of dialy questions.
- Abacus Book 7 Group - Not in the book today
Angles in lines and polygons
Click here to download this pdf - it has some far trickier ones than yesterday and contains instructions.
Lets just call them Angels (its nicer)
Tip from Mr H ;)
Think about degrees in a quadrilateral - reminder clue:they contain triangles. Equilateral triangles knowledge may also help with ultra question.
- Abacus 6 - Book 2 -
CLICK HERE if you need a download of the page
Complete Page 40 - Shapes Containing Right Angle Triangles
Tip from Mr H ;)
Challenge – Use your maths squares in your book to make the dots, but make them bigger if it helps. e,g, put your dots 2 squares apart.
- Abacus 5 - Book 2 -
Perimeters - Choose your Challenge
Challenge 1 - Page 38
Challenge 2 - Page 39
Challenge 2 - Page 40
As ever, have a good look at each challenge. IF you know you can easily do it without much effort. push on higher.
Tip from Mr H ;)
Remember, don't miss out any side, draw a small picture and cross out when you've walked along and noted the length.
- 'Red' group
1. Complete Book 1, Page 4 - Odd and Even
2. Click here to see your daily adding challenge - follow the instructions on the page.
Tip from Mr H ;)
Write out a list of odd numbers between 1 to 20 in your book.
Write out a list of even numbers from between 1 and 20 in your book. This will help - what do you notice about the number in the units columns?
Wednesday 25th March:
1. Arithmetic
No arithmetic today but here's a fiendish bodmas challenge if you have time this week. Be careful, it was devised by someone with a very strange mind!
2. Maths Workbook Tasks:
- Abacus Book 7
Complete Page 98
(Don't do the protractor drawing bit at the top of the page)
Angels of Triangles
(Whoops....not Angels, Angles of Triangles)
Tip from Mr H ;)
Think about composite shapes for 17 to 22
- Abacus 6 - Book 2 -
CLICK HERE if you need a download of the page
Complete Page 39 - Areas of Right Angled Triangles
(Create at least 6 'Explore' examples)
Tip from Mr H ;)
Challenge – Question 11 to 13 – Remember, surface are is all the flat areas on the shape. These wedges have some triangles and some rectangles which you need to calculate and add together.
- Abacus 5 - Book 2 -
Complete Page 36 - Large Areas
Tip from Mr H ;)
Explore: try drawing at least 3 rectangles to see how their areas change. Can you spot a pattern. The more youre draw, the easier it will be to see any patterns. Tell me what the pattern is if you see one.
- 'Red' group (if you have been given a special photocopied book and not Abacus books 5(2&3),6(2&3) or 7 - you will know this as I spoke to your parents)
Complete Book 1, Page 12 - 3D Shapes
Tip from Mr H ;)
Group the shapes together for each speech bubble, and draw a mini version in your book. Then label them from the work you did yesterday.
and continue to practise 2x tables in your tables book.
Tuesday 24th March:
1. Maths Monday Arithmetic Answers(Not Red Group)
Mark your work from yesterday in a different colour. Be honest; it won't help you imporve to kid yourself. Retry the ones you didn't get, or email me with problems.
Download 23rd March Arithmetic Answers here
2. Maths Workbook Tasks:
- Abacus Book 7
Complete Page 94 - Areas of Triangles
(Think about composite shapes for 17 to 22)
- Abacus 6 - Book 2 -
CLICK HERE is you need a download of the page
Complete Page 38 - Areas of Triangles
(Create at least 6 'Explore' examples)
- Abacus 5 - Book 2
Complete Page 35 - Area
(Find 4 examples for the explore)
- 'Red' group (if you have been given a special photocopied book and not Abacus books 5(2&3),6(2&3) or 7 - you will know this as I spoke to your parents)
Complete Page 11 book 1 - 3D Shapes
and continue to practise 2x tables in your tables book.
Monday 23rd March:
- Maths Monday Arithmetic (Not Red Group)
Ultra simple today so lets see how really quick and accurate you can be - mark down your time and we'll find out.
Challenge your parents in 30 minutes - loser emties the bins.
Download 23rd March Arithmetic Questions here
- 'Red' group (if you have been given a special photocopied book and not Abacus books 5,6 or 7 - you will know this as I spoke to your parents)
Complete Page 8 in the book 1 - Adding Three Numbers
and practise 2x table in your tables book.