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Wreningham VC Primary School


School Logo

Wreningham VC
Primary School
Ashwellthorpe Road,
Norfolk NR16 1AW

Welcome to Class 2's page. 


                 Here is our class 2 curriculum for this year:

                        we are currently working in Cycle A

Year 1 & 2 Curriculum  Cycle A

 Year 1 & 2 Curriculum   Cycle B



Class 2 Maths Plans

Maths planning is based upon the White Rose Mixed Age Maths scheme to ensure full coverage, using a fluency, reasoning and problem solving approach. 

Year 1 Maths Long Term Plan

Year 2 Maths Long Term Plan


Click here for the Class 2

Maths Activities



     Phonics Information for Parents

As from 2022, Wreningham uses the Little Wandle Phonics Letters and Sounds Revised as its systematic phonics system. Clicking on the link will take you to the Little Wandlle parent's webpage, providing some helpful resources for you and your child.


Phonics in Class 2

All children in Year 1 are given a 'Phonics Screening Check'.  The following powerpoint explains what this entails and what your children can expect.

                   Download the Year 1 Phonics

     Screening Check presentation here



Come and see our beautiful butterfly,  we worked really hard to weave the wings.



Class 2 Look at Black History Month

In October we discovered it was Black History Month. We looked at the lives of some brave and courageous people who helped fight against the unfair, unjust and unkind ways in which black people have been treated.

Click the links below to find out what we have learnt.



Rosa Parks         Jessie Owens    Nelson Mandela

                                                  (See our medals)         (See our Mandela Crowds)




School Newsletter

Latest Newsletter

Class 2


Our Beach Huts

(Click to see)

