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Wreningham VC Primary School



School Logo

Wreningham VC
Primary School
Ashwellthorpe Road,
Norfolk NR16 1AW


Welcome to


                    Team Class 3’s Page:  


             We all survived our first residential in March 2024 at Aylmerton

Here is our class 3 curriculum: we are currently in Cycle A

Year 3 & 4 Curriculum Cycle A

Year 3 & 4 Curriculum Cycle B


Maths Plans

Maths planning is based upon the White Rose Mixed Age Maths scheme to ensure full coverage, using a fluency, reasoning and problem solving approach. 

Year 3 Maths Long Term Plan

Year 4 Maths Long Term Plan




     Outdoor Learning is Fun in Class 3


Class 3 got to grips with the workings of the human body in our Science lessons, with some outdoor learning.  Our playground was transformed into a giant anatomy diagram.

Click below to visit the new 'Outdoor Learing Page',  to find out more about this lesson.

                     The Outdoor Learning Page

                                        (Click the book below)



We Get Used to Purple Mash Computing

We have all now been given our PURPLE MASH logons and passwords.  Make sure you have a look around the online classroom and get comfortable using it. 

We'll be learning our computer coding on Purple Mash, as well as brushing up on our online safety, learning to use spreadsheets and a whole host of computer based activities, including art and design.

          I'll let you know if you need to look out for those 'To Do's'


Click on the logo if you want a quick link to the Wreningham Purple Mash login page.





Read, read, read, read, read, read, read...





Latest School Newsletter


Time Table Rockstars

Use Times Tables Rockstar to Keep up with your tables skills.

Challenge yourself and others.

Email school office or Mrs C. if you have forgotten you username and password

 Didn't we look great in book week




Class 3 Home School

School Closure Archive