Black History Month
Nelson Mandela
We found out that Nelson Mandela was put in prison for 27 years because he disagreed with the saw of 'Aparthied' in the country of South Africa. The law treated black people in the country as second class citizens and they did not enjoy the same rights as the white members of the population.
When Nelson Mandela was finally released in 1994, he worked hard to bring democracy to the country. that means that everyone in the country, whatever your colour, could vote to elect the government. The law of 'Aparthied was removed.
Four years later, in 1994, he became the president of South Africa, with the job of bringing black and white together to create a new South Africa. As president he began work attempting to tackle the problems of inequality and poverty in South Africa.
We created crowd pictures depicting the celebrations of Nelson Mandela's release from prison.
Lucy Rebecca
Oliver Eleanor
Lucy Emily