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Wreningham VC Primary School



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Wreningham VC
Primary School
Ashwellthorpe Road,
Norfolk NR16 1AW


Welcome to the KS1 

Class 1 & 2 School Closure

Writing and Topic Activities

for week beginning 4th May


               Project :  Animals

If you wanr to skip to a particular type of task,

just click below:

1.  Comprehension Task

2.  Reading Tasks

3.  Writng Tasks

4.  Topic


Comprehension Task:


Click here for this week's comprehension about dogs.  There are three levels - the stars at the bottom of the pages tells you the level.



     Reading Tasks

    Can you read fiction, non- fiction

    and poems about animals?  



                             Can you find adjectives in the

                             books used to describe the animal? 


Listen to the stories below :


1.  Clark the Shark

2.  Library Lion


- Create a bookmark with animal facts 



                  Writing Tasks



       A-Z Animal list:

      Can you think of an animal for    

                                   each letter of the alphabet.?


- Draw a picture of your animal and label it. Can you write sentences using adjectives? 


Write a set of questions about animals you would like to find out about. 



-  Create a fact file about your favourite animal.

Research an animal of your choice and explore the

    vocabulary required to describe them. 


-  Describe similarities and differences between    



           Topic Tasks


Find out about:

     What are mammals?

        What are amphibians?

                          What are birds?

                            What are fish?

                              What are reptiles?

                                 What are minibeasts?

                     Click here to visit the BBC

                        Bitesize Animals Page



Task 1 - Create a mask:

Using different materials around the house,

 create a mask of their favourite animal.


Think about the colours and shape.

Can you add different textures to your mask?   

Where does your animal live?

Play this sorting activity to develop your understanding of where different animals live. 


Task 2 - Animal Grouping:

Get your child to group animals into two columns, identifying animals that can fly and cannot fly.

These groups are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.







- Carnivores  eat other animals.

Herbivores eat plant material including fruit, leaves, vegetables.

Omnivores eat a mixture of meat and plant material.


 Task 3- Needs of an animal:

Can all animals be kept as a pet?

-  Think about a particular animal and find out if that

animal could be a pet. Draw pictures of different animals.

Click here for  some Twinkl Sorting Cards

-  Sort the animals into two groups; suitable for a pet

and not suitable for a pet.

Explain why animals were sorted in a particular way.


       Click Here for a link to some great quick animal

                      activities from the RSPCA



Task 4- Design a Leaflet:

- Design a leaflet explaining to potential pet owners what each animal will need.


Task 5- Animal Interviews:

- Interview a pet owner to discuss the responsibilities involved with looking after an animal.

How often do they need to find their pet?

Who helps clean?

What does their pet eat?


Task 6- Peg Animals

-   Find some pegs at home

-   Can you create your own mini animal or object, cut it

    half and stick it to a peg. 


Task 7- Nocturnal Animals

Nocturnal animals - What do you think this word means?

Watch this BBC Bitesize link and discuss:

the animals they saw.

Have they seen these animals?

How could they describe them?

Find out about bats, owls, foxes, hedgehogs and badgers through this ictgames link

Nocturnal animals are more active at night than during the day. These animals sleep during the day, often in a burrow or den. They have special adaptations that help them survive in the dark. Over millions of years, these animals have developed traits that help them survive in the darkness. Nocturnal animals may have larger ears to hear better, bigger eyes to see better, and body parts that glow in the night.


Task 8 - Nocturnal Animals Art:

Create your own big-eyed nocturnal animal art -

this link to greenkidscrafts.com shows you how with 6 nocturnal animal art projects to choose from.






  Writing and Topic

Screen Documents:


Links to full

all-in-one pdf document::

W/b 4th May

Whole Weeks Topic of Animals


             Previous Weeks'

       Writing and Topic Archive


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