This Week's Activities:
Instructions are in RED
Reminder - All those Lexia users should be logging on from home and working through those level now. Its an ideal opportunity to improve your reading and spelling skills. Lets get to that level 18.
Friday 8th May:
Today's task - go outside, have
some fun, throw some water around!
Thursday 7th May:
1. Reading:
You can now mark your VE day comprehension from yesterday:
Click here to download the VE day answers
2 . Writing :
Commas Change Meaning:
No Panda's Will be Injured in this Lesson - maybe
Task 1:
Our first task is to re-write this sentence three extra times, by adding one or more commas each time to change it's meaning. You must then draw a nice funny picture to illustrate the meaning you have created by just placing commas in specifi places:
Here's my picture for the first sentence with no commas:
a. Add a comma to change the meaning and draw your cartoon.
b. Move your comma to create another meaning and draw your cartoon.
c. Use two commas to change the meaning again and draw a funny cartoon to illustrate it.
Click on the question sheet and write the sentecnes in your book with their different meanings, depending where you put the comma - choose two or three to illustrate with silly little cartoons (or use stick men).
Here are the answers for when you are finished so you can mark your work.)
Extra Challenge 3:
Can you create a really great sentence from an imaginary story, where the place of the comma changes the meaning which would completetly alter the story or make someone shocked or confused if they read it in your imaginary book.
My example: A story of knights in battle -
The Black knight knocked his fierce enemy off , his horse laughing as he did it.
Whoops - this isn't what I meant. I don't think horses can laugh and my story doesn't seem as serious as it was meant to be now. I've put the comma in the wrong place!
Send me your best one with a great cartoon so I can post it up for everyone to see!
Wednesday 6th May:
1. Reading:
We are all going to do the same comprehension today - its about VE day, which will be celebrated later this week around the country. You may have heard about people making bunting to hang up this week.
-Read this inforamtion text about VE Day and what it meant for our copuntry, then do your best to answer the questions. This will help bruish up yor historical knowledge of our country and the Second World War.
Answer the question in FULL SENTENCES IN YOUR BOOK- that way, we will definititely be able to tell what the actual question without you having to copy the questions out.
Click here to download the VE day comprehension text and questions
I will add the answers tomorrow
Tuesday 5th May:
A Poetic/Prose Galactic Opening:
Many of you have looked at, or even competed a poem yesterday, based on this dramatic, famous science fiction film opening in Star Wars. If you have not yet done this, that is your task today - to cretae a poem following the instructions below.
I you have completed your poem (like you Oscar), your job is to shape it into a paragraph of spectacular prose('normal' writing, not poetry) - as if it were on the first page of the novel Star Wars by George Lucas.
Here's DCs great work from today.
Here's DLs to give you some idea.
You will need to link your poetic ideas into real, structured sentences, with a range punctuation; commas separating clauses; semi colons to link main clauses; colons to elaborate or explain, and conjunctions.
It will now need to make sense when reading it, and still make the reader imagine the scene and be gripped : even if they haven't seen the incredible opening.
Watch the incredible opening sequence from Star Wars IV - A New Hope, from 1977, and use your finest poetic skills to put the awe inspiring scene into words.
Click here to download the film sequence (mp4)
Don't forget to use all your powers of powerful writing for this: strong imagery, powerful, ambitious vocabulary, metaphors and similes... and some passion and performance thrown in as well. Here's one of my efforts to give you the idea:
Monday 4th May:
1. Creative Writing:
All today's activities are on the Star Wars Wall on the #C4TOGETHER PAGE. Come back here tomorrow for usual literacy.