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Wreningham VC Primary School


Class 4 Diary

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    Summer 2020


    Mon 23 onwards

    Class 4 move location to these webpages for a new learning experience

    Easter Holidays

    Thur 2 to Fri 17

    Mon 20

    Summer Term Begins

    One Day in the near future, we will all be back together to finish our year properly.


    Norfolk Schools Calendar  2019-2020




    School Logo

    Wreningham VC
    Primary School
    Ashwellthorpe Road,
    Norfolk NR16 1AW


    This will be our daily literacy page, where you can find your maths work.  As we go on, I will be adding links in , poetry and reading/writing challenges.

    Don't forget,  you can email me at anytime with any questions about our weekly activities.

    REMEMBER, to work from the back of your book so when we come to do our project after Easter, we can work continually from the front on the project without other work inbetween.


                         This Week's Activities:

                             Instructions are in RED


                   Thursday 21st May


                                 1.   Writing and Vocabulary:


    1. Lots of great new vocabulary in pur comprehensions this week. Let see if we now know what they mean and if we can use them in a new context.


    This week,  I want to see if you can use the words in sentences that are NOT related to an under the sea subject.

    Your task:

    1.  Choose 6 words from the list below.

    .- you can use either of the two versions.

    2.  Write down the word, followed by what it means - its definition.  Get used to using a real dictionary if you have one - if you haven't got one at homee, you could use an online dictionary.

    Challlenge 1:

    Write a sentence using the word in its correct context.- so it makes sense in the situation you are writing about and you are using the correct meaning of the word.

    Challenge 2:

    Write a complex sentence, using linking punctuation ( ; - :), or a great conjunction (have a lok at yesterdays grammar task) and using the word in its correct context.

    Challenge 3:

    When you have finished writing the definitions,  include as many of the words as you can in one short paragraph based around any topic,  BUT NOT  Under the Sea: Mysteries of the Deep.

    Obviously you will be using a full range of punctuation to help really say what you mean to say.



    contrpation muffle / muffled scrawny
    wrenched      perplexed

    harness ' harnessing

    (not the climbing harness, the verb)

    tend / tending thieving shrouded
    merciful reclaim / reclaimed



                         Tuesday 28th April:


                                      1.   Reading: 

    Red and Green Group

    (Your parents will know if you are in these groups)

    Your comprehension to day id 'The Hero'

    Click here to download 'The Hero'



    For those with Stage 3 Essential Texts: Essential Ts:

    Answer the following questions in full sentences.

    A Smuggler's Song (Page 48).

    The answers will be available tomorrow for marking.

    (Click here if you want to download a pdf version of the questions)


    1.  What is the reader told not to do at the start of the poem?

    2.  How many smugglers are riding past the house?

    3.  What have the smugglers hidden around the back of the house which you are asked to cover up if you find it?

    4.  What might your mother have to fix for the smugglers?

    5.  What does ‘mindful’  mean at the top of page 2.

    6.  Who are Trusty and Pincher?

    7.  What do Trusty and Pincher know what to do when the smugglers pass by outside at night.

    8.  If you help keeping the secret that the smugglers have been,  what reward might you receive?

    9.  What other presents do the smugglers bring for people in the town – you may need to find out what ‘Baccy’ is.

    10.  What two pieces of advice are given to persuade the reader not to pay attention to what the smugglers are up to.

     11.  Challenge question:  Why does the poem seem to be about doing everything to pretend the smugglers haven’t been seen,  and why wouldn’t the people in the town want to tell King George’s soldiers about the smugglers?



    -- For those with Stage 4 Essential Texts: Essential Ts:

    Answer the following questions in full sentences.

    The Listeners (Page 44).

    Today's poem is very strange and mysterious.  Walter de la Mare published "The Listeners" in 1912.  It remains one of his most famous pieces of writing, and reflects the author's fascination with mystery - but what do you think its about?

    The answers will be available tomorrow for marking.

    (Click here if you want to download a pdf version of the questions)

    1.  Although we don’t know the Traveller’s real name,  why might the word traveller have a capital letter in the poem? 


    • 2.  Find and copy the great triple alliteration in the first ten lines – what is it? 
    • 3.   ‘But only a host of phantom listeners’ – what does this mean? 
    • 4.  It say they stood ‘thronging on the stair’ – explain what this could mean in this poem( you may need to look up the definition of thronging).
    • 5.  Explain in your own words what the Travellers horse was doing after he called into the house;  don’t just copy the line out.
    • 6.  The poem uses a very unusual word – smote- which we rarely see used.  Find out what it means and find the present tense of ‘smote’’..
    • 7.  Find and copy the great triple alliteration in the last ten lines – what is it?


    • 8.  Is there a pattern in this poem?  If there is,  how would you describe it?
    • 9.  Challenge Question:   Lots of people have commented on what they think this poem is actually about.  Write a brief summary of what you feel the real story is.  Why is the man there?  Why does he get no answer?  Is there someone in the house or not- and why don’t they answer?
    • 10.  Challenge Question:  It has been said that this poem is a metaphor for man’s attempts to contact extra-terrestrial life in the universe.  Can you explain how the ideas in this poem could suggest this?
    • 11.  Background Research:  The search for extra-terrestrial life project on earth is called SETI; can you write a few lines about what this is and what they do?




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