This Week's Activities:
Instructions are in RED
Reminder - All those Lexia users should be logging on from home and working through those level now. Its an ideal opportunity to improve your reading and spelling skills. Lets get to that level 18.
Activities for Week Beginning 15th June
Click here to go straight to the relevant day's activities:
1. Monday's Literacy Activities
2. Tuesday's Literacy Activities
3. Wednesday's Literacy Activities
4. Thursday's Literacy Activities
5. Friday's Literacy Activities
MH's Travel Logo from last week
Monday 22nd June
1. Writing:
Complimentary & Persuasive Letter Writing -
I have been looking for a useful but fun activity to practise some skills we have been learning over the last year (nearly 2 years for year 6) - I think this may be an interesting activity to do this week.
We are going to polish up our letter writing skills, practise the persuasive writing skills we have been learning, and get a little cheeky to see if we can gently persuade some companies who produce your favourite products to send us some free gifts, in exchange for our glowing review of their products.
First, think of a product you really love and could write honestly about how much you love it - if you are writing honestly, it will be easier to create a more powerful, persuasive letter:
It could be a type of sweet, chocolate or crisps, a drink, shampoo, deoderant, toothpaste or other bathroom product, or any other product you like and think it may be possible they would send you a free sample or coupon. Lower value products are the best to try. Let's see what Class 4 can receive in total in the next 4 weeks through our letter writing skills.
Here's how to do it:
1. Where do I send my letter?
You can find the address of your product either by locating the information on the actual package or by going on the companies web-site under their "contact us" tab. Sometimes it can be a little tricky to find their contact information. If this happens, I would try another of your favourite products. Remember, it's the company who produces the product we need to wr te to, not a shop.
2. What type of writing do I use?
We have looked at how to write in a more formal, careful way this year, so we need those skills again: quality vocabullry, avoiding slang and use of contractions (e.g use I would, instead of I'd) and neatly handwritten (to show care and extra effort).
Handwritten letters will always have a much better chance of success than an email.
Write the address neatly in the top right hand corner; then, leave a line and write the long date.
Example 1:
Set out your letter as in the photo below. If you want to put your surname as well, check with your parents if this is okay. Before you send the letter, you MUST ask permission from your parents.
Example 2:
3. What shall I put in my letter?
Click here for our guidance as to what to put in the letter.
Be sure not to write to them just to get free things. Whomever is reading your letter will notice and will not send you anything. Be truthful with what you are telling them, you really do admire their products so be sure to tell them that.
Extra Help:
Below are some great persuasive sentences that will help out a lot when included in your compliment letter. You might want to put them in your own words to really fit your letter.
- Your product has been one of the things that has helped me get through the day in school-closure time.
- Your products are the best on the market.
- Over the years I have come to trust your company and you have never let me down.
- Your . . . is marvellous! Thank you for making a product that has lifts my spirits every time I use it (eat it)changed my life.
- I am a very picky eater and I devour your . . . every time.
- Your . . . are so well made that they seem like somebody made them by hand.
- I admire the way your . . . is organic and natural. There are many companies out there that make their . . . with too many additives...
- I use your . . . both at home and when I am out and about.
- My friends have also switched to your brand and now we are all huge fans.
- You have changed the world with your incredible . . .
- I would be overjoyed to try some of your other products. Would you be able to send me some samples? Thank you!
4. Can I see an example?
Of course - you know I wouldn't forget to show you a good example for if you are still unsure.
Click here for a good example using what we've looked at
Tuesday 22nd June
1. Reading Comprehension
As the Premier League has now re-started, it is intersting to find out how the invention of red and yellow cards came about. This comprehension tells you about the history of this method of keeping players in order on the pitch - very useful for the year 6s in class at the moment.
1. For Everyone, with an option of Challenge Questions to choose from.
Download the comprehension text to read here
Download the comprehension questions here
Answer the questions in your book in full sentences - the answers will be posted tomorrow.
Wednesday 23rd June
1. Reading:
Task 1: Mark Your Comprehension
1. For Everyone -
Download the Red/Yellow Card answers here
2. Punctuation and Grammar:
Task 2: Maintaining our Grammar Skills
We've got some grammar revision here to brush up on :things we have already learned in class this year. MAke sure you do this in your book
Click here for your grammar revision
(I'll put an answer sheet up tomorrow)
Here's a good powerpoint (and I've created a pdf in case you can't open a Powerpoint). to explain semi-colons, colons and dashes.
It's the semi colons you need to focus on today. In the writing I am looking at each da, it's obvious lots of you are forgetting to use them as a natural part of your writing like we were doing up until closure. He's a good chance to give your literacy brain a reminder.
It's got an audio option, so you can hear someone read it if you click the speaker symbol on each slide.
Click here for the Punctuation Powerpoint
Click here for a Punctuation pdf version
Here's your Semi-Colon task:
Add an additional clause to the five sentences below, using a semi-colon.
- Remember, the additional clause must be a complete sentence which makes sense on it's own BUT must be linked to the first clause and be of equal importance (or weight).
- Remember , you never need to put a capital letter after a semi-colon unless the word is a proper noun. (e.g. John, London)
1. Jake couldn't ride his bike.
2. Lightning crackled in the angry skies.
3. Whatever the reason, she couldn't find the strength to carry on.
4. He ate and ate and ate.
5. They decided together that they only had one option left between them.
Thursday 24th June:
Task 1: Mark Your Grammar from Yesterday
Check to see if your grammar revision from yeaterday is correct.
Click here for your grammar answers
1. Writing
Using Vocabulary in Correct Context
Task 2:
Our vocabulary this week, comes from our Red/Yellow cards comprehension. Make sure you challenge yourself and learn the meaning of some newer words or ones you find tricky to spell.
Choose wisely and challenge yourself - this is a great chance to level up that library of words in your head for future use.
Your task:
1. Choose 6 words (challenge yourself) from the list below.
.- you can use either of the two versions.
2. Write down the word, followed by what it means - its definition. Get used to using a real dictionary if you have one - if you haven't got one at homee, you could use an online dictionary.
Challenge 1:
Write a sentence using the word in its correct context.- so it makes sense in the situation you are writing about and you are using the correct meaning of the word.
Challenge 2:
Write a complex sentence, using linking punctuation ( ; - :), and using the word in its correct context.
Challenge 3:
When you have finished writing the definitions, include as many of the words as you can in one short paragraph. As we have visited the old shop of curiosities, this week's theme is 'sport and physical activity'.
Obviously, you will be using a full range of punctuation (ESPECIALLY SEMI-COLONS THIS WEEK) , to help really say what you mean to say.
spectator / spectators | security | commentator |
appalling / appalled | decision | receiving |
frustrate / frustrated | beautiful | disappoint / disappointed |
desparate / desparation | language | behaviour |
Friday 26th June:
Writing: Letter Writing
1. Final Draft for Sending Your Letter
It's time to complete your complimentary letter today, if you have not fnished it. Once you have completed and throroughly checked your draft in your book, you can write the actual copy on a clean, crease-free piece of paper, to send.
(If you have finished and sent it already, why not complete another one - as you are now an expert- to your favourite sports person, tv star, celebrity, to ask for a signed autograph - a great tip here is to write your address on an envelope: stick a first class stamp on it and fold it in half. Then send it along with your letter: providing them with a ready made envelope to send to you can often persude them even more to write back)
Spell Checking:
It is essential that you spell check, spell check and double spell check. Letters containing spelling errors do not reflect on the writer well, and it can give the perception that the writer doesn't care enouh to ensure evrything is as good as it should be. This is not the idea we want to convey in this letter especially.
1. An Extra Touch: Illustration
To make your letter even more attractive - although you would not do this for a very formal , serious letter, may be to add some beautiful small, careful illustrations or pictures about the thing you are writing about. MAking your letter look like a piece of art in this particular case might be that extra 'straw that breaks the camels back' (if you are not sure what that means, do a little research and find out).
Make your letter look like a special work of art so the person receiving it knows how serious about this you are, and how hard you have worked in wriing to them
(take a picture of your final draft before you send it)
2. Addressing Your Envelope:
Make sure your envelope is addressed clearly, neatly and lined up nicely down the left hand side.
It is especially important that the post code is correct .
3. Folding Your Letter:
To maintain the careful approach to creating your letter, make sure it is folded neatly, with a sharp fold - don't just stuff it into the envelope.
Fold it in half if it will fit, or in thirds if you need to make it thinner for your envelope.
4. Sending through the Post
Stick on a first class stamp in the top right hand corner, as above. Then, pop it into the post box , keep your fingers crossed and wait for something to come back...
Good Luck (and let us know if anything arrives in the next 4 weeks)
On Tuesday 30th, we will be using spaghetti and small cooking marshmallows to create bridge designs with a challenge. It would be great if you could get hold of these over the weekend so you can fully take part in an incredibly fun design, thinking and construction challenge.