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Wreningham VC Primary School


School Logo

Wreningham VC
Primary School
Ashwellthorpe Road,
Norfolk NR16 1AW

The FOWS Giving Tree

Funding Our New Classroom

Have a look at how your help and support is driving us on to our £10,000 target. 

Every tiny bit of time and effort put in, and money we raise, will go towards helping the school provide the best resources for our children in the forthcoming new build.

£3500 and aiming higher!


Take a look at how you have helped us raise the money so far...

We need your support

to reach our target !




Friends of




Thanks to FOWS !

FOWS have funded the purchase of a Table Tennis table for school.

A new Table Tennis Club will be up and running later in the summer term.

Special thanks to Mr and Mrs Cugnoni for their time and effort in helping to make this possible.


Fundraising Link:


-  Raise funds while you shop online.

-  FREE and simple to use.

-  Spend less when you shop, with 100s of exclusive voucher codes.

-  over 2,000 retailers to choose from (amazon, ebay, comet, M&S, next, Boots etc)


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