The governing body is foremost responsible for the long term management and direction of the school and the support of the Head Teacher.
The governing body is made up of two elected parents of pupils in the school, an elected member of the teaching staff, two representatives from the Church (known as Foundation Governors), one representative of the Local Education Authority and Community, and other community governors are co-opted for their particular skills, interests or associations with the school.
Each member of the governing body serves on one or more committees, with responsibilities concerning particular areas of school life. Currently there are two committees: Raising Standards Committee and Operational Committee. Each committee includes either the head teacher or the senior teacher, and is chaired and minuted by a governor.
Governors, especially parent governors who are your elected representatives, are always willing to listen to you.
How can I get in touch with a governor?
1. Speak with a parent governor in the playground
2. Leave a letter for a governor with Mrs Thurlow or Mrs Bingham in the school office.
3. Email / Leave a message with Mrs Thurloe or Mrs Bingham in the school office, that you wish to speak to a governor, and they will ensure a message is passed on to the relevant governor.