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Egg-Drop 2014
Once again, the whole school gathered together before the Easter break, to test some of the most ingenious egg-dropping devices ever invented. There were all manner of contraptions- along with parachutes, balloons, tissue paper, egg boxes, straws and.. er.. jelly!
The Rules:
Before the drop:
1. A quarter of the egg must be visible at all times.
2. The egg must not be sealed inside the container.
3. The egg should be easy to remove after the drop.
After the drop:
4. The egg should not be damaged in any way.
Have a look at the big event below -
it was simply EGGCEPTIONAL !!!
All that effort and now we have to drop them from a great height...
Just checking for cracks... The design of the century...
It's an egg in a tank - what could be safer... Space-age Design...
Please look after it Mr Jones... Are you sure it'll be safe in there?
It's bound to work - although now I'm not so sure...
Admiring a perfect design...
I wrapped mine up pretty... Where's the designer?
There he is! Looks like a winner...
No cracks... Nervous...
The Norwich City Machine... a success!
The secret to the winner's success? Jelly in the middle of course!
NASA are currently on the phone... Egg-cradle...