Drafting page for weekly work
This will be our daily literacy page, where you can find your maths work. As we go on, I will be adding links in , poetry and reading/writing challenges.
Don't forget, you can email me at anytime with any questions about our weekly activities.
REMEMBER, to work from the back of your book so when we come to do our project after Easter, we can work continually from the front on the project without other work inbetween.
This Week's Activities:
Instructions are in RED
Reminder - All those Lexia users should be logging on from home and working through those level now. Its an ideal opportunity to improve your reading and spelling skills. Lets get to that level 18.
Thursday 23rd April:
1. Writing and Vocabulary:
1. This week's comprehensions again threw up lots of ambitious new vocabulary. We can use this to build up our own bank of great vocabulary for our writing... but we need to know how to spell them and what exactly they mean.
Your task:
1. Choose 6 words from the list below.
.- you can use either of the two versions.
2. Write down the word, followed by what it means - its definition. Get used to using a real dictionary if you have one - if you haven't got one at homee, you could use an online dictionary.
Challlenge 1:
Write a sentence using the word in its correct context.- so it makes sense in the situation you are writing about.
Challenge 2:
Write a complex sentence, using linking punctuation ( ; - :), using the word in its correct context.
Challenge 3:
When you have finished writing the definitions, include as many of the words as you can in one short paragraph based around our topic: Under the Sea: Mysteries of the Deep.
Obviously you will be using a full range of punctuation to help really say what you mean to say.
merchandise | preparation | glint |
awaken / awakened | plunge / plunged | desperate / desperately |
engulfing / engulfed | plume / plumes | torrent |
captivate / captivating | exclaim / exclaimed | encircle / encircling |
Wednesday 22nd April:
1. Reading:
- For those who completed: A Narrow Escape yesterday.
Mark your work carefully using the answers below.
Remember, your answerr may not be exactly the same as the one I have written, but you need to think cafrefully if your answer means the same thing.
Download 'A Narrow Escape' Answers
-- For those who completed: Sinbad yesterday.
Mark your work carefully using the answers below.
Remember, your answerr may not be exactly the same as the one I have written, but you need to think cafrefully if your answer means the same thing.
2. Creative Writing:
1. The Ocean-Maker - Katina's Story : A Pen Portrait
Today, you are going to tell us more about the hero of our film. You will be planning a 'Pen Portrait' of Katrina, telling us about her life, what hardships she faced and how she came to be in possession of the incredible rain making machine and aircraft.
I have created my plan to show you what to do - today is about planning her story, using the film as inspiration and your own imagination. We will start to write this up tomorrow
Download the Katrin's Story Plan here
Tuesday 20th April:
1. Reading:
- For those who read with Stage 4 Essential Texts: A Narrow Escape
Answer the comprehension questions below
Download 'A Narrow Escape' Questions
-- For those with Stage 3 Essential Texts: Sinbad
Answer the comprehension questions below
2. Creative Writing:
1. The Ocean-Maker
Carry out a full spell-check and grammar check on your 80 word description. Make sure you have exactly 80 words.
Read it through carefully now after leaving it for a day and see where you definately could fix those 'clunky' bits of writing.
Remember, it must be engaging and flow, with some powerfull description.
Be tough on yourself - have you written some boring, basic sentences,; remove these and replace them with more ambitious, adventurous description.
Monday 20th April:
1. Reading:
- For those with Stage 4 Essential Texts: A Narrow Escape
Download this text to read today - correct version is now here
-- For those with Stage 3 Essential Texts: Sinbad
Download this text to read today. - Corrct version is now here
2. Creative Writing:
1. This week, we are going to use an exciting but thought provoking film from the 'The Literacy Shed', called 'Oceanmaker'
Task 1 :
Watch this short film:
The Literacy Shed - Click then Scroll down and watch
Task 2: Read your task belwo, or download it on pdf here