These are our Action Plans and
Things we are Doing at the Moment:
*To reduce the amount of energy we use by encouraging classes to turn off lights and use classroom heaters effectively.
*To reduce the amount of mains water we use and to use rainwater for watering plants whenever possible.
*To reduce the amount of rubbish we send to landfill
*To re-use & recycle wherever possible.
*To increase our recycling.
*To compost all the fruit & vegetable waste to make our own compost.
2022-23: The Eco-offers have created our new class rotas for daily jobs.
*To encourage pupils to dispose of litter correctly.
*To learn more about Fair Trade
2023-24: we learnt about Fair Trade bananas in our assemblies this year, as well as learning all about the Fair Trade idea. We now know what to look for on our choclate bars.
Summer 2023: We sold homemade recycled products and cakes in order to raise enough money to save a piece of the rainforest the same area as our school fotprint - this was called 'Operation Oclelot
*To continue to fund raise for local & global charities & to support events.
2021-22: We have adopted a panda through the World Wildlife Fund, using money we have raised through the school council (cake sales, bring and buy sale)
School Grounds:
*To have outdoor lessons
2021-22: We are doing this when the weather allows us to.
.*To continue to improve/maintain school grounds.
*To complete KS1 outdoor area. - we have now completed this !
2ummer - A new Eco-Club will be arriving where we can tackle the projects below.
*To increase planting of seasonal fruit/vegetables & plants.
*To extend allotment area with pots/planters and greenhouse.
*To increase/maintain habitats for insects and small animals.
*To encourage bird life into school grounds.
Healthy Living:
*Increase the number of house plants in classrooms.
2023-24: We will be all taking part in national
Walk-To-School-Week: w/b 20 May 2024
*To encourage families to walk or cycle to school wherever possible or to park at Village Hall.