Class 4 Music Page
This year we have worked hard perfecting our ocorina skills, performing at the school Christmas service. In addition, we once again were invited by the Norfolk Music Service to perform in the CASMA Concert
CASMA Concert
Norfolk-Asian Fusion
Once again, the Norfolk Music Service gave the upper Key Stage 2 children the opportunity to take part in a fantastic choral event, this year combining traditional Norfolk songs with an ASian musical influence. Chldern from year 5 and 6 have been practising their performance over the last couple of months, including a full rehearsal at the Theatre Royal. This year, the event comprised of a live band and leading singer, adding a reallly special feel to the whole performance.
The final performance brought the house down at Open in Norwich, with the children having the opportunity to sample some Asain cusisine during the day's rehearsals. Once again, this was a real unique experience for many childern and all the parents and families who attended were treated to an incredibly professional, enjoyable evening.
2015: Our Incredible Opera Experience
In 2015, were lucky enough to be involved with the Norfolk Schools project with The Theatre Royal, Norwich. We worked with professional opera singers, composers and directors in creating our very own opera, based on Hansel and Gretel. As part of the project, we were invited to watch a real opera at the theatre, performed by the Glyndebourne Opera Company.
During the autumn term, we composed our own music, words and story, performing our brand new opera, 'Gretel and Hansel and the Titanium Trap', to a packed house of almost 1000.
Download Recordings of our
rehearsal songs here:
2. So Poor
3. Sad to Leave
4. Technopia
5. Rat Part 1
6. Rats Part 2
9. Lost Soul
10. We Are Free
Click our t-shirt logo design below to visit our opera page
Our 2011
This year we have worked extremely hard on our singing skills. These were put to the test in the CASMA concert we took part in at St. Andrew's Hall, Norwich.
A huge thanks and well done to you all, Class 4. I was really proud of the way you sang, and I know from the comments afterwards that your families really enjoyed the night. All that hard work practising was really worth it.
Have a listen to our great performance of Charlie's Dance, which brought the house down on the night.
The rehearsals are tough going...
The night of the concert and everyone is very nervous...
So gripped by stage fright, this poor Year 5 girl needs comforting by her Year 6 friend...
Just time for one last practise with those soft, delicate vocal chords...
Time to step out into the auditorium...
All the hard work pays off...